The Control Code Chrestomathy
Welcome. I'm not going to repeat myself too much here - if you haven't yet, go back and read the EB Text System tutorial. You're not going to understand a lot of the stuff in here if you don't. What are you waiting for? Get your butt back there.
Okay, ready? Let's begin. There are five distinct divisions to control codes. They are, in order of general simplicity, Text, Gameplay, Audio, Visual, and Logic. Control codes are grouped and listed alphanumerically according to this format. Click on any code for an in-depth description and a coding example. (Thanks to MrTenda for the Javascript.)
If you wish to download this you will want all these CCs in one file. Unforunately,
this collection is rather out of date, and in-depth descriptions of the more recently discovered code have not been
written, but short descriptions can be found in codelist.txt. People working on
discovering what unknown CCs do may also be interested in the list of all CCs.