Battle Animation Editor The Battle Animation Editor allows users to select the backgrounds used in battle sequences against enemies in EarthBound. A very groovy little program. While at one point the program was 30 Mb, it has been shrunk to a mere 4 Mb! Newly added is a modified version by Chris Davis, which is compatible with Windows 2000 and XP. Rejoice! |
 Size - 2.28 Mb Creator - Mr. Accident •Download •Download XP/2K version |
CC Basic CC Basic is a unique program that allows users to script EB events using its own special programming language. It will compile them into standard EarthBound control code format. |
 Size - 492 Kb Creator - Flynman •Download |
Compressed Graphics Editor The CGPED - or Compressed GraPhics EDitor - is an image compression/insertion program rather than an editor. You can create enemy battle sprites with your favorite art program and stick them into the game! Many people seem to have problems using this program, but once you know what you're doing, it's as easy as crashing Windows 98. Lower on this page, there is an archive of .bmp images you can download and use as battle sprites with this program. |
 Size - 17 Kb Creator - Tomato •Download |
EarthBound Text Compression Pack This small program suite will allow you to compress your text into standard EarthBound format. Not all that dissimilar from the much-faster CTB-U program, this program provides the additional perk of modifying the compression table used by EarthBound to determine what each CT control code means text-wise. |
 Size - 48 Kb Creator - TapamN •Download |
Compressed Text Boing - Ultra This program is an enhancement of the original program, CT-Boing, by GuyInSummers. The program compresses and decompresses your EB text at unheard-of speeds. There are two major versions available: Though the newer version runs faster, it has a few bugs to work around. The older version is more reliable. |
 Size - Creator - Flynman •Download Old Version •Download New Version |
Decomp This groundbreaking DOS-based program decompresses compressed graphics data into SNES graphics format. It exports files as raw SNES data, so you will have to view it with a program like Tile Layer in order to export it to a standard image filetype. Mad props to cabbage for this l33tness! |
 Size - 6 Kb Creator - cabbage •Download |
ROM Expander This DOS-based program increases the size of the EarthBound ROM from 3 Mb to 4 Mb. This allows you to insert all sorts of things, from extra text to new battle sprites. |
 Size - 30 Kb Creator - Tomato •Download |
ROM Fixer A few versions of the EarthBound ROM are floating around the 'Net. One of these versions seems to have been badly dumped: this program will fix the errors on the ROM so it can be used with hacking utilities properly. Try using this program FIRST if you have problems with the ROM! |
 Size - 30 Kb Creator - Tomato •Download |
Save State Editor The Save State Editor will edit savestates from the emulator ZSNES. It allows you to change all sorts of neat things, like character stats, names, toggle event flags, and even has a groovy visual item interface! |
 Size - 136 Kb Creator - Mr. Accident •Download |
EarthBound Sprite Editor - Windows Version This groovy little program allows you to edit all of the uncompressed sprites in EarthBound. With multiple tools, pallet hacking options, and a slew of other neat stuff, this is one of the must-haves of any hacker. |
 Size - 35 Kb Creator - Mr. Accident •Download |
Store Editor This handy program allows you to hack what all of the stores in EarthBound sell. You can't edit the prices they're sold for, but only because that's a function of PK Hack. So don't whine about it, fool. :P |
 Size - 56 Kb Creator - Zushiba (Frieza) •Download |
Text Editor One of the greatest works of all PK Hacking. This program allows you to edit the actual text within the EarthBound ROM, a system which is actually highly flexible and allows for the creation of cutscenes and special events with the unique control codes that EB uses. A note about versions - Version 3.7 includes some advanced options, including a control code interpreter. However, it loads more slowly than older versions - loading the Expanded Megabyte may even cause your computer to crash. You may also want to get Version 3.0. |
 Size - 58 Kb Creator - Tomato •Download Version 3.7 •Download Version 3.0 |
Enemy Placement Editor A quick-and-dirty editor for the placement of enemy groups on the map. It's not very user friendly right now... hopefully, it will soon be integrated with the Map Editor. There are two versions - normal and FAST. Choose the one that works on your computer. |
 Size - 7 Kb Creator - Ness_42 •Download Normal Version •Download FAST Version •Download Source Code |
Hexposure A hexadecimal editor that edits the raw code of files. You'll need this for hacking a lot of stuff that doesn't have editors specifically coded for it. |
 Size - 9 Kb Creator - Unknown •Download |
Kraken II Kraken II is a convenient editor that allows the user to hack the text in the game setup screens. It's a lot easier than editing it all in the ROM with a hex editor! It's nice and user friendly, as well. |
 Size - 18 Kb Creator - GuyInSummers •Download |
Lumine Hole Text Editor Check this out. It's a text editor that lets you change the crazy mind-reading marquee of the Lumine Hole sanctuary. Quite convenient for those of you with allergic reactions to hex editing. Have at it! |
 Size - 8 Kb Creator - JeffMan •Download |
Level Editor This program allows you to change the experience point requirements for each characters' level-ups. It's pretty neato. ...umm, what was I saying? |
 Size - 10 Kb Creator - Frieza •Download |
Map Editor Version 4.0! What happens when you combine the utter deliciousness of cabbage with the explosive tendencies of Mr. Accident? You get this, possibly the coolest EB hacking program ever to hit the scene. Not only does it load allow editing of the map, doors, and sprite placement, it has a Text Pointer Table editor, and it loads the map graphics and pallets directly from the ROM! Keep an eye on this one folks, 'cuz it's only getting better from here. ^_^ |
 Size - 53 Kb (Tilesets - 2.45 Mb) Creator - Mr. Accident •Download Map Editor v4.0 (Self-extracting executable) •Download Stinky, Outdated, Useless Tilesets |
Tile Editor This indispensable tool allows editing of the graphical elements of EarthBound maps - everything from the basic graphical resources (minitiles) to map tiles (arrangements) and palettes. It is even possible to edit the collision maps associated with tiles using this editor. A must-have for anyone who wants to do a serious hack. |
 Size - 19 Kb Creator - Cabbage •Download Tile Editor version 4.0 |
PK Hack The seminal work of PK Hackery and our community's namesake, PK Hack is a multiuse program which edits enemies, items, and a great deal of miscellaneous data. A staple of PK Hackers since the very beginning, this program is something no hacker should be without. If you don't have it, we'll laugh and point at you. Here we go! Meh he he he he he he he he! Due to incompatibility issues, PK Hack 0.2 crashes upon loading the enemies window under Windows XP. PK Hack beta 0.3 has been developed to combat this error. XP, 2000, and ME users should download this version. |
 Size - 344 Kb Creators - Tomato and Spaanoft •Download Version 0.2 •Download Beta Version 0.3 •Download Version 0.1 |
Rom Dumper This program allows the user to extract the hex code from an area of the game. This isn't really useful if you're not experimenting or documenting the data within the ROM... but if you are, it can be a lifesaver. |
 Size - 7 Kb Creator - Ness_42 •Download |
SNESTool A well-known utility with a vast variety of abilities, PK Hackers use SNESTool most often for its IPS patching capabilities. You should too. |
 Size - 14 Kb Creator - Unknown •Download |
Random Stuff This .zip file contains a large pile of random, fun stuff. Specifically, that means: •Hexadecimal correlation tables for use with hex editors
•A hex editor, Thingy
•DOS32 and DOS4GW files for running DOS programs
•EarthBound Pallets for Tile Layer Pro
•.cht file for ZSNES, activating the Walk-Through-Walls code
•ROFISH's Debug Menu Translation Patch
•Tomato's Mr. Saturn - Olde English Font Conversion Patch |
 Size - 222 Kb Creator - Blue Antoid (Various) •Download |
Tangy Tangy is yet another convenient program - this one allows you to hack the "Don't Care" preset names built into the ROM. It's a must-have for any starting hacker who doesn't feel comfortable using a hex editor. Also included is Compressed Text Boing, the precursor to CT Boing - Ultra. |
 Size - 85 Kb Creator - GuyInSummers •Download |
Tile Layer Pro A multi-use graphics editor that edits games for several console systems. This is often useful to hackers because it contains functions that the EB Sprite Editor does not. |
 Size - 227 Kb Creator - SnowBro •Download |
EB Text Tools This little program converts normal text into EB hex code. It also has a function to convert SNES addresses to their hex forms, and the other way around. |
 Size - 9 Kb Creator - Ness_42 •Download |
TPT Editor This program edits the TPT (Text Pointer Table). The TPT controls all of the people and things you can talk to, as well as the present boxes you can find things in. |
 Size - 19 Kb Creator - Ness_42 •Download •Download Source Code |
Text Pallet Editor This program edits the EB text pallets. Basically, what that means is that you can make your own flavors now -- chocolate, cheese, metallic, whatever you want! |
 Size - 13 Kb Creator - Ness_42 •Download |