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   This page is the library of all PK Hack knowledge that has been amassed to this date. All of the detailed documents, advanced dissertations, quick note sheets and indecipherable napkin scribblings which others might have a chance of finding useful is safely filed away here. The documents are listed in 5 different categories:

Data Block Documentation - Full explanations of data patterns in the ROM
Argument Documentation - Listings of options for a variety of codes and data blocks
Dumps - Duplicated data blocks ripped straight from the ROM
Source Code - Source code for EB Hacking programs
Miscellaneous - Anything else that doesn't quite fit

Data Block Documentation

Unknown Food Table: This table lists all sorts of food items
Sector-based Map Attributes: This table controls how several map attributes such as Town Map use and Exit Mouse functionality are controlled.
[1F 21 XX] Teleport Control Table: This easily-reconfigurable table controls all aspects of the [1F 21 XX] teleport control code.
Main Font Character Width Data: Just what it sounds like.
0x40200 Area: This documentation covers a peculiar range that seems to have an effect on enemy movement.
0x40200 Area Notes: Notes on the area described above
Delivery Control Table: This table contains all known aspects of the varioius deliveries in the game (including encounters with For Sale sign customers).
Door Destinations Table: Though the need for this file is minimal considering the new Map Editor programs, colondee would likely strangle me if I got rid of it... ^_^
Battle Effects Table: Controls text and effect usage for all in-battle item effects and attacks.
Hotspot Configuration Table: Controls the locations of all map hotspots in the game.
Level-up Data for Ness: Data for the required experience needed for Ness to gain a level.
Levelup Data Table: Information about how level-up data is stored and such.
Map Tile Placement Notes: Yet another file made unneccessary by the amazing programming skills of Mr. Accident. Read on for detailed information about how tiles are placed and determined in EB's map.
PSI Data Table: This data primarily controls the access setup for the various PSI skills, though it also determines at what level each character gains spells.
PSI Damage Ranges: Details on how to change the damage ranges for each PSI spell.
Store Text Blocks: EB stores use only a couple of different menus - the differing text is determined by event flags. This file breaks down each possible text link by type and situation.
Store Inventory List: A list of all stores and what they sell. This doesn't count the one-item stores like the banana, egg, and ruler salespeople in Burglin Park.
Text Pointer Table Documentation: Data about the Text Pointer Table. Contains some advanced concepts such as SNES pointer addresses, but it's definitely required reading for anybody who wants to even think about doing advanced text work in EB.

Argument Documentation

[1F 1A]/[1F 1C] Arguments: Arguments for the sprite generation control codes.
Status Affliction Data: Information on how to inflict status effects in the text.
Battle Animation Arguments: All about how to trigger PSI and attack animations during battle.
[1F 23] documentation: The list of battles possible through the control code [1F 23].
CGPED-Format Sprite List: The list of battle sprites, numbered as in the CGPED program.
Compressed Text Control Codes: A complete list of arguments for the three compressed text control codes - [15 XX], [16 XX], and [17 XX].
Death Text Pointers: Pointer addresses for the various preset enemy death phrases.
Enemy Status documentation: The various arguments for the "Status" value in PK Hack's enemy editor.
The Flag Crusade: An incomplete but growing list of event flags and their effects.
PK Hack-Format Sprite List: The list of battle sprites, numbered as in PK Hack. •Map Music listing: An incomplete, icky listing of the various musics used through the EB Map.
Movement Value listing: An incomplete documentation of TPT movement values, which doesn't take into account the values' 2-byte or location-specific natures.
Music Listing: A list of all of the music tracks in the game, suitable for use in a variety of methods.
Out of Battle Sprite Listing: A list of numeric values for every sprite in EB.
Music Effects: A listing of effects for the [1F 07 XX] control code.
Start Text Pointers: Pointer addresses for the various preset battle-start phrases.
[1F 21 XX] Listing: A full list of all 232 different teleport destinations used through the [1F 21] code.
Sound Effect Listing: A list of different sound effects that can be played in the game.


Dump of the 0x40200 area: Just what it sounds like. the 0x40200 range seems to affect enemy movement.
Revenge of the Dump of the 0x40200 area: The dump above, sliced into three-byte clusters for some sort of reason.
Door Pointer Table Dump: Cabbage's dump of the data referenced by the Door Pointer table.
Enemy Placement Groups Dump: Data on the enemy placement groups used in the map.
Text Pointer Table Dump (Flags): A dump of the TPT emphasizing the flags used by the different entries and what their effects are.
Text Pallet Documentation: Some of our knowledge about the text pallets and how they're configurated.
Text Pointer Table Dump: A listing of the sprite and text pointers used by all of the TPT entries.

Source Code

EB Hack Source: Source code for a variety of quality Tomato-brand products.
PK Hack .2 Source: The source code for PK Hack, version 0.2.
Tile Editor source: The source for the new Tile Editor by Cabbage.
Kraken II source: GuyInSummers' source for Kraken II.
Store Editor source: The code that GuyInSummers' wrote for the Store Editor.
TPT Editor source: The source used to create the TPT Editor.


8,192-byte GFX Blocks: Locations of what appear to be compressed map tile animations.
Documentation Pack: Download all of the files on this page, and more! ~250 kb.
Base Math: Some beginning notes on hexadecimal, binary, and conversions between them and decimal.
Blue's Help File: Some outdated documentation on text editing.
GFX Decompression ASM: A dump of the game's ASM graphics decompression routine.
EarthBound 0 Control Codes: Just what it sounds like.
EarthBound 0 Misc. Notes: See above.
More Compression Stuff: Data on EB's graphics compression routine
Exit Mouse stuff: Documentation on how to make Exit Mice work properly.
Random Text Offsets: A list of various text offsets, including the commands window and other such things.
Discovery of the Sprite Pointer Table: An IRC log concerning Flynman's discovery of the SPT.
Phone Text Pointers: Addresses of all of the major phone numbers in the game.
Cameraman stuff: Detailed information on the flying Fuzzy Pickles cameraman guy.
Poo's item usages: An IRC log concerning how the different item stats indicate Poo's usage of the said items.
Complete Randomness: Just one of my (Blue Antoid) random note files. There could be some interesting stuff in there...