Enemies Table Format By AnyoneEB Last updated 2004-12-29.12:04:00-0500 All numbers in hex unless marked as "dec". Range | Meaning 00 | "The" flag (1 = put "the" before enemy name) 01-19 | Name of enemy in plain EB text 1A | Gender (0x01 = Male; 0x02 = Female; 0x03 = Neutral) 1B | Type (0x00 = Normal; 0x01 = Insect; 0x02 = Metal) 1C-1D | Battle sprite 1E-1F | Out of battle sprite 20 | Run flag ("Fear higher leveled PCs") (0x00 = false; 0x01 = true) 21-22 | HP 23-24 | PP 25-28 | Experience 29-2A | Money 2B-2C | Movement 2D-30 | Start text pointer 31-34 | Death text pointer 35 | Palette of battle sprite 36 | Level 37 | Music 38 | Offense 39 | *UNKNOWN* (K) 3A | Defense 3B | *UNKNOWN* (L) 3C | Speed 3D | Guts 3E | IQ 3F | Weakness to PSI Fire (See below for weaknesses) 40 | Weakness to PSI Freeze 41 | Weakness to PSI Flash 42 | Weakness to Paralysis 43 | Weakness to Hypnosis/Brainshock 44 | Miss rate (/* TODO */) 45 | Order of action use (See below) 46-47 | Action #1 48-49 | Action #2 4A-4B | Action #3 4C-4D | Action #4 4E-4F | Final action (performed upon death) 50 | Action #1 argument 51 | Action #2 argument 52 | Action #3 argument 53 | Action #4 argument 54 | Final action argument 55 | *UNKNOWN* (H) 56 | Boss flag (Not in GUI???) 57 | Item drop frequency (0x00-0x07; P(item drop) = 2^(freq byte)/128) 58 | Item dropped 59 | Status (See below) 5A | Death sound (0x00 = Normal; 0x01 = Boss) 5B | Row (0x00 = Front; 0x01 = Back) 5C | Max call 5D | Percent chance of Poo's mirror to succeed WEAKNESSES PSI Fire and PSI Freeze (damage PSI): Value | Effectiveness 00 | 200% 01 | 150% 02 | 100% 03 | 50% 04 | 1% PSI Flash, Paralysis, Hypnosis/Brainshock (status PSI): Value | Effectiveness 00 | 100% 01 | 75% 02 | 50% 03 | 25% 04 | 1% ORDER Value | Action order pattern 00 | Random 01 | Random, Favor Third 02 | In Order 03 | Staggered Order (Pattern like 34343434341212121212) STATUS Value | Starting status 00 | Normal 01 | PSI Shield Alpha (Blocks PSI) 02 | PSI Shield Beta (Reflects PSI) 03 | Shield Alpha (Blocks physical) 04 | Shield Beta (Reflects physical) 05 | Asleep 06 | Can't concentrate 07 | Feeling strange