Compressed Text Banks

Compressed text bank 1
Used by: [15 XX]

00: ___________
01: _in_the_
02: _that_
03: ...
04: _and_
05: _this_
06: _to_the_
07: _about_
08: _just_
09: _of_the_
0A: _something_
0B: _going_to_
0C: _to_
0D: _you_have_
0E: _your_
0F: _for_
10: _you're_
11: @You_
12: _really_
13: _don't_
14: @The_
15: e_the_
16: e_you_
17: ..._
18: _the_
19: _will_
1A: ___...Brick_Road
1B: ing_
1C: _some_
1D: ______________
1E: @Do_you_want_to_
1F: _like_
20: ou_don't_have_
21: _is_
22: _you_
23: _you
24: _anything_else
25: _the
26: _you_want_to_
27: _for_the_
28: _friend
29: _at_the_
2A: ould_you_like_
2B: _from_
2C: _would_
2D: he_Runaway_Five
2E: _with_
2F: _want_to_
30: @If_you_
31: _you_don't_
32: s_the_
33: ed_to_
34: e...
35: _something
36: t_the_
37: @...
38: @Please_
39: 's_
3A: _of_your_
3B: @It's_
3C: @Thank_you_
3D: @I_
3E: _here.
3F: _in_
40: @Do_you_
41: _I'll_
42: _have_
43: e_of_
44: d_you_
45: @I'm_
46: me_to_
47: @I_don't_
48: @Well,_
49: @This_is_
4A: ed_the_
4B: @You're_
4C: _for_a_
4D: _anything
4E: ing
4F: _of_
50: _you_should_
51: _I_
52: _from_the_
53: s...
54: _it's_
55: _time
56: e_to_
57: ed_
58: e_of_the_
59: _to_you
5A: n't_you_
5B: _again
5C: _for_you.
5D: other_
5E: ation
5F: _little_
60: ing_to_
61: _can't_
62: _much
63: _someone_
64: _on_the_
65: _looks_like
66: _don't_you_
67: _very_
68: the_
69: _can_
6A: you
6B: _that_you_
6C: _it
6D: _you_want
6E: ou_can't_
6F: _able_to_
70: _already_
71: _give_you_
72: understand
73: _______
74: _my_
75: _you_can_
76: _that
77: _what_
78: here's_
79: _there_
7A: n_the_
7B: @What_
7C: Thank_you
7D: _I_can't_
7E: one
7F: @The
80: _thought
81: _not_
82: You_should
83: ou_know
84: _has_
85: _back
86: _of
87: ve_been_
88: _I'm_
89: _there
8A: _with_you
8B: @I_heard_
8C: _in
8D: _here_
8E: _Fourside
8F: I_wonder_
90: _to
91: _could_
92: _think_
93: _out
94: _good_
95: __the_
96: __You_
97: _too_much
98: ome_back
99: t...
9A: _here
9B: thing
9C: come_
9D: ly_
9E: ent
9F: _strong
A0: _money.
A1: @I'll_
A2: an_
A3: ou_must_
A4: _are_you_
A5: _with_the
A6: _on_your_
A7: too_many_
A8: _you.
A9: know
AA: _to_be_
AB: _around_
AC: _if_you_
AD: @Are_you_
AE: ome_again
AF: e_and_
B0: _more_
B1: think
B2: e_your_
B3: @Don't_
B4: nd_the_
B5: t_to_
B6: rea
B7: _he
B8: _me
B9: _strange
BA: _for_you
BB: ight
BC: _a_
BD: _be
BE: ther
BF: all_
C0: _cannot_
C1: here_is_
C2: You_have
C3: Monotoli
C4: _was_
C5: ll_you_
C6: hat_
C7: ,_but_
C8: _stuff
C9: eep
CA: _it_
CB: _didn't_
CC: _like_th
CD: ll_right
CE: _should
CF: _over
D0: @Oh,_
D1: _hear
D2: _every
D3: I'm_not_
D4: _about_t
D5: _zombies
D6: _damage
D7: his_is_
D8: all
D9: _some
DA: @It_
DB: _attack
DC: _right_
DD: ally_
DE: orry
DF: ess
E0: er_
E1: @That's_
E2: carry_it
E3: ake
E4: t_was_
E5: ,_the_
E6: n_you_
E7: sn't_
E8: _help
E9: king_
EA: ear
EB: ing_the
EC: __It's_
ED: very
EE: _talking
EF: ou've_
F0: that's_
F1: _to_me
F2: @Hello
F3: _enemy
F4: _you_are
F5: _by_
F7: ight_
F8: on't_
F9: est
FA: ick
FB: _power_
FC: s_that_
FD: s_are_
FE: _call
FF: t_is_

Compressed text bank 2
Used by: [16 XX]

00: _is
01: age
02: ,_and_
03: _great_
04: @Thanks
05: _people
06: ter
07: not
08: ill
09: ness
0A: @This_
0B: _into_
0C: _ha
0D: _I_can_
0E: t_your_
0F: _before
10: _things
11: tion
12: _for
13: be_
14: _this
15: Happy
16: __You
17: out
18: enough
19: __I'm_
1A: @You
1B: _go
1C: for
1D: _all_th
1E: _though
1F: ing_you
20: e_you
21: ring_
22: one_
23: get
24: t_you_
25: @I'm_s
26: _the_s
27: e's_
28: port
29: d...
2A: _out_
2B: @What
2C: _get_
2D: I_have_
2E: looking
2F: n_this_
30: _of_my_
31: _have_a
32: ent_
33: _do
34: d_of_
35: ting
36: ncrease
37: _Twoson
38: through
39: s_your_
3A: ou'll_
3B: _place
3C: _right
3D: _Onett
3E: _____
3F: _our_
40: _too
41: ater
42: _be_
43: ain
44: ing.
45: take_
46: e_is_
47: the
48: _please
49: _do_you
4A: need
4B: use
4C: _now.
4D: _got_
4E: ___
4F: and_
50: ning
51: _sta
52: _the_t
53: I_was_
54: y_the_
55: his
56: appe
57: con
58: _ho
59: hat's_
5A: Threed
5B: get_
5C: s_of_
5D: inter
5E: talk
5F: _man
60: day
61: ove
62: _ha_ha
63: inally
64: monkey
65: s_and_
66: ate
67: see
68: town
69: side
6A: y_to_
6B: ever_
6C: equip
6D: _than
6E: _who
6F: long
70: care
71: room
72: e_are_
73: ard
74: end
75: ,_you_
76: _the_b
77: I_know
78: think_
79: s_you_
7A: time
7B: ment
7C: _so
7D: !__
7E: I've_
7F: ell
80: _wa
81: ious
82: reat
83: live
84: ange
85: _we
86: ble
87: @.....
88: ecover
89: _only_
8A: thing_
8B: er...
8C: Mr._
8D: ough
8E: _now
8F: __I
90: wor
91: to_
92: ed.
93: __I_
94: 're_
95: _give_
96: ing_a_
97: return
98: better
99: ince_
9A: _well
9B: _one_
9C: still
9D: ying_
9E: me...
9F: sta
A0: ust_
A1: per
A2: lease
A3: ling_
A4: point
A5: ect
A6: ast
A7: pretty
A8: Giygas
A9: ecause
AA: member
AB: carry_
AC: _used_
AD: elieve
AE: _money
AF: pres
B0: way
B1: _di
B2: _even
B3: ound_
B4: s_to_
B5: ting_
B6: ted_
B7: oing
B8: _and
B9: ine
BA: __T
BB: sure
BC: _on_
BD: @...I
BE: while
BF: @but_
C0: @We
C1: ice
C2: se_
C3: ive_
C4: _rea
C5: _com
C6: est_
C7: have
C8: _but
C9: away
CA: here
CB: _must
CC: _but_
CD: _want
CE: ready
CF: I'm
D0: carr
D1: my_
D2: ay...
D3: _are_
D4: @Hey,
D5: world
D6: ing_a
D7: _happ
D8: _seem
D9: _his_
DA: nder
DB: _se
DC: ant
DD: item
DE: @But
DF: _sho
E0: in_a_
E1: made_
E2: night
E3: et's_
E4: _like
E5: __The
E6: che
E7: _de
E8: ful
E9: hat
EA: and
EB: self
EC: ould
ED: @No
EE: car
EF: _tr
F0: _good
F1: _stor
F2: ombie
F3: @Oh
F4: @It
F5: s_a_
F6: vent
F7: ant_
F8: _so_
F9: olla
FA: ree
FB: Your_
FC: make_
FD: _work
FE: power
FF: _home

Compressed text bank 3
Used by: [17 XX]

00: also
01: ance
02: @How
03: h...
04: @If
05: ple
06: buy
07: e,_
08: n't
09: oke
0A: n't_
0B: more
0C: Good
0D: t_a_
0E: _all
0F: take
10: round
11: _when
12: _name
13: being
14: attle
15: ite
16: ack
17: y...
18: @Whe
19: with
1A: al_
1B: have_
1C: _look
1D: t_of_
1E: aster
1F: _a_lo
20: _feel
21: here_
22: count
23: monst
24: now
25: ark
26: ous
27: 'll
28: _bus
29: head
2A: _any_
2B: t_you
2C: erson
2D: after
2E: ummer
2F: _hard
30: ful_
31: ever
32: _kid
33: _a_b
34: kay
35: tra
36: pla
37: ook
38: ome
39: eat
3A: @Wel
3B: _off
3C: turn
3D: I_am
3E: oney
3F: _any
40: ave
41: any_
42: enem
43: _con
44: _me_
45: red
46: en_
47: _bo
48: _re
49: ell_
4A: sell
4B: what
4C: next
4D: ure
4E: _bu
4F: pro
50: _on
51: res
52: es_
53: _lo
54: our
55: use_
56: iste
57: ood
58: _no
59: ope
5A: ock
5B: row
5C: @He
5D: how
5E: _may
5F: _as_
60: stor
61: _are
62: ost_
63: mean
64: __We
65: __He
66: @An
67: it_
68: in_
69: ound
6A: one.
6B: come
6C: blue
6D: way,
6E: _or_
6F: _mo
70: .__
71: each
72: some
73: @(Th
74: otel
75: hand
76: came
77: _ca
78: ame
79: @Hey
7A: een_
7B: spec
7C: red_
7D: ing!
7E: _...
7F: hose
80: ind_
81: ice_
82: ver
83: __W
84: min
85: et_
86: on_
87: ace
88: er.
89: are_
8A: nter
8B: o...
8C: were
8D: help
8E: old_
8F: _it.
90: hear
91: stop
92: look
93: com
94: @Do
95: _her
96: _pro
97: chin
98: ble_
99: e_a_
9A: girl
9B: luck
9C: __B
9D: act
9E: ike
9F: down
A0: part
A1: _see
A2: _use
A3: uch_
A4: from
A5: just
A6: llow
A7: @Her
A8: _at_
A9: @So,
AA: _ye
AB: ser
AC: ying
AD: ring
AE: eave
AF: big_
B0: ried
B1: _was
B2: _say
B3: _su
B4: her
B5: it.
B6: Man
B7: kin
B8: _up
B9: ers
BA: @Why
BB: p...
BC: cour
BD: _him
BE: agic
BF: any
C0: fin
C1: eal
C2: he_
C3: ide
C4: oor
C5: ity
C6: got
C7: ens
C8: ish
C9: ive
CA: _sa
CB: oon
CC: fee
CD: s_a
CE: nce
CF: __D
D0: uck
D1: ass
D2: man
D3: a_p
D4: @(I
D5: @Wh
D6: _gu
D7: __(
D8: bus
D9: los
DA: ts_
DB: _ba
DC: __S
DD: _if
DE: @Ha
DF: _ma
E0: unn
E1: ay_
E2: ner
E3: @A_
E4: or_
E5: stu
E6: ust
E7: kya
E8: shi
E9: pos
EA: __A
EB: int
EC: _le
ED: ary
EE: ven
EF: _ch
F0: own
F1: _hu
F2: @My
F3: @So
F4: _sp
F5: _sh
F6: wan
F7: ool
F8: __Y
F9: old
FA: eas
FB: ,_I
FC: iki
FD: @Ky
FE: @Ye
FF: spi