[23:05] * Michael1 returns. [23:06] <05BlueAntoid> Food, huh? [23:06] <05Michael1> Well, in a pseudofood sense. [23:06] <05Michael1> (Caffeine + Sugar + Water) [23:07] <05BlueAntoid> Ah [23:08] <05Michael1> Soooo... [23:09] <05Michael1> What's the current target for hacking stuff? [23:09] * BlueAntoid notes he's drawn an awful lot of people with hoodies lately [23:09] <05BlueAntoid> Ness, me, and now Tyler... :P [23:14] <05GuyInSummers> whoa, lots of patch versions available in goaway/blue. anything significant and worth downloading in them? [23:14] <05BlueAntoid> Just the most recent [23:14] <05BlueAntoid> Intro sequence is complete :D [23:14] <05Michael1> Download the latest... and ye shall see for thine own self. >:D [23:14] <05GuyInSummers> sexcellent :D [23:14] <05BlueAntoid> You may note some familiarity with the script [23:15] <05BlueAntoid> ;P [23:16] *** Goplat has quit IRC (Quit: Time left until the Apocalypse: 34yrs 5wks 2days 22hrs 58mins 24secs) [23:22] * Michael1 watches the Tumbleweed of Silence roll through the channel [23:23] <05GuyInSummers> dude. that was so freaking awesome. [23:23] <05GuyInSummers> heh, and yes, i did. [23:23] <05BlueAntoid> Thanks :D [23:23] <05GuyInSummers> i don't even have a clue as to how you magically made tyler and dna appear [23:23] <05GuyInSummers> er, dana [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> Figured out the 1F 17 code :D [23:24] <05GuyInSummers> figured out?! [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> Turns out it does use movement patterns. [23:24] <05GuyInSummers> like, entirely? [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> Location-specific ones. [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> 1F 17 XX XX YY YY ZZ [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> XX XX - TPT entry [23:24] <05BlueAntoid> YY YY - Movement pattern, which seems to include starting location [23:25] <05BlueAntoid> ZZ - appearance style (standard list) [23:25] <05GuyInSummers> too cool. where's the table of movement pattersn? [23:26] <05BlueAntoid> http://pkhack.starmen.net/misc/Dumps/402d4.txt [23:26] <05GuyInSummers> is there any rhyme or reason as to which bytes are the starting location? [23:26] <05BlueAntoid> Here, hang on [23:27] <05BlueAntoid> I'll find the one I bastardized [23:27] <05GuyInSummers> heh k [23:27] <05BlueAntoid> Entry 310: (C3137E 03157E) [ 11] 28 58 17 29 18 01 06 02 19 AA A2 [23:28] <05BlueAntoid> This is the pattern that makes the Phase Distorter III work [23:28] <05BlueAntoid> 28 XX XX loads the X-coordinates, and 29 XX XX loads the Y-coordinates [23:28] <05BlueAntoid> Using 1 pixel-per-unit format [23:28] <05BlueAntoid> The byte after 06 is a delay timer value [23:28] <05SimonBob> So you can change the 58 17 around and move it to, say, the corner of the screen? [23:29] <05BlueAntoid> Actually, it's map coordinate values [23:29] <05BlueAntoid> Which explains why nothing works unless it's in exactly the right spot ;D [23:29] <05BlueAntoid> brb [23:29] <05GuyInSummers> delay before the animation starts, delay after it finished, or how long it takes? [23:30] <05SimonBob> Ahhhh so if you make it appear at Ness's door, then it won't be in the middle unless Ness is [23:30] <05SimonBob> That's kinda cool, actually [23:31] <05SimonBob> Like you could paste the code a couple of times and make the swirl appear at different places for an explosion effect [23:31] <05BlueAntoid> Actually, this code makes map sprite entries appear [23:32] <05BlueAntoid> GIS - I forget :P [23:32] <05GuyInSummers> XP [23:32] <05GuyInSummers> are there any location-independent movement patterns? [23:33] <05BlueAntoid> Not that work with this [23:33] <05BlueAntoid> I've tried the standard assortment (08, 10, 12, 253, etc.) but none of them work [23:33] <05GuyInSummers> 1F 15 and 1F 17 use the same table for movement patterns, right? [23:34] <05BlueAntoid> Yeah [23:35] <05GuyInSummers> oh, and also, how'd you do the disappearances? [23:36] <05BlueAntoid> Just the 1F 1E code like normal [23:36] <05GuyInSummers> both tyler/dana's fadeouts and particularly BlueAntoid's grooving-jig-jumpaway [23:36] <05GuyInSummers> ah. [23:36] <05GuyInSummers> oh, right. TPTs, not sprites. [23:36] <05BlueAntoid> Heh heh heh [23:36] <05BlueAntoid> Mine was the 1F F2 code (imbue non-TPT sprite with movement pattern) [23:37] <05BlueAntoid> I used the one that's for the rock when the strong Tenda flings it into outer space ;D [23:37] <05GuyInSummers> heheh, nice thinking. [23:37] <05BlueAntoid> Thanks :D [23:37] <05GuyInSummers> so, did you generate Blue's sprite with a 1f 15? [23:38] <05BlueAntoid> Yeah [23:38] <05GuyInSummers> oh. right. starman jr's [23:38] <05BlueAntoid> I'm considering swapping in Carpy's lightning instead [23:38] <05BlueAntoid> But I don't know if you can configure a sprite [23:38] <05GuyInSummers> -_- i actually had even more questiosn for you, but i answered most of them right before i hit enter for myself [23:38] <05BlueAntoid> Heh [23:39] <05BlueAntoid> Let's see... [23:39] <05GuyInSummers> whoa. i NEED a brownie. like now. [23:39] <05GuyInSummers> brb. [23:40] <05BlueAntoid> Nope. Doom. [23:42] * BlueAntoid replaces the thunderous/explosive teleport music with the Phase Distorter space-teleport sound effect [23:45] <05GuyInSummers> oh, and the police station is evil. [23:45] <05BlueAntoid> Yeah, I haven't locked any of the doors that need locking yet :P [23:45] <05GuyInSummers> your police station/fire department, the door inside. i was spacing out and kept walking in that door over and over wondering why i wasn't going anywhere -_- [23:45] <05BlueAntoid> Watch out for the hospital elevator then ;D [23:45] <05GuyInSummers> XD glad i didn't go in there [23:50] <05GuyInSummers> hey, what's the name of the song in the LotR:FotR that plays near the ending, during when Sam almost drowns catching up to frodo? [23:50] <05BlueAntoid> I dunno, I don't have the soundtrack [23:55] *** SimonBob has quit IRC (Quit: We've run with wolves, we've climbed K2, even stopped a moving train) [23:56] <05GuyInSummers> so, what do you suppose the possible release time of Snowball Warz might be at this point [23:56] <05BlueAntoid> Hmm [23:56] <05BlueAntoid> I doubt I'll have it done by Christmas, if that's what you're asking ;D [23:57] <05BlueAntoid> I dunno, though... Maybe by New Year's if I don't let up on it [23:58] <05GuyInSummers> heh, yeah, i wasn't expecting an xmas release [23:59] <05GuyInSummers> but good to hear so soon a date. don't let up. [23:59] * GuyInSummers is painfully reminded of the Cap Caper, which had a projected release date of three seasons ago [23:59] <05BlueAntoid> Heh, 'kay [23:59] <05BlueAntoid> XD [00:00] <05BlueAntoid> Way to open up old wounds :P [00:02] <05GuyInSummers> think of it as motivation. [00:02] <05GuyInSummers> that if you finish timelyly, we'll all completely forget about it [00:02] <05BlueAntoid> Heh [00:03] <05BlueAntoid> Woo. Walking sprites for all the main characters = done :D [00:03] <05GuyInSummers> already? [00:03] <05BlueAntoid> Yup [00:03] <05GuyInSummers> christ, no wonder nobody else finishes hacks. i think every time one of us comes in here you steal an unnoticable amount of our motivation. [00:04] <05GuyInSummers> ...holy crap it's midnight. [00:04] <05GuyInSummers> nevermind then. O_o i thought you finished the sprites in about half an hour. [00:04] <05GuyInSummers> until i realized that hours have actually gone by... last time i checked it was about 9 [00:05] <05BlueAntoid> Heh heh [00:05] <05BlueAntoid> About an hour and 15 minutes since I said "/me makes main character sprites," actually [00:06] <05GuyInSummers> really? whee. vacation totally distorts my perception of time. ...cool. [00:07] <05BlueAntoid> Heh [00:09] *** GuyInSummers changes topic to 'Only 100 days until Christmas! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D | That's six liters in metric (GuyInSummers) | Merry EB no Matsuri! | AnyoneEB, stay in touch, you're wanted for a session of sweet love at an undetermined time. | Sweet, sweet love.' [00:11] <05BlueAntoid> Well, I'd better hit the hay [00:11] <05BlueAntoid> Gotta be up for work tomorrow :P [00:11] <05BlueAntoid> Maybe then I'll actually accomplish something on this hack :P [00:13] <05BlueAntoid> Later, gentlemen [00:13] <05GuyInSummers> later, then. [00:14] *** BlueAntoid has quit IRC (Quit: Free speech is the right to shout "Theater!" in a crowded fire.)