[18 01 01][01]@Debug Mnu[18 02][1C 04][18 0A][18 01 02][19 02]PartyEdit[02][19 02]GoodEdt[02][19 02]AffectMbr[02][19 02]Go?[02][19 02]MoneyEdt[02][19 02]LvlEdt[02][19 02]EscroEXetc[02][19 02]Evnt[02][19 02]Hint[02][19 02]Sund[02][19 02]Desc[02][19 02]Telpt[02][19 02]HNTTZ[02][1C 0C 02][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][12][01][1B 06][09 0D 03 81 C5 00 62 82 C5 00 18 87 C5 00 CD 88 C5 00 FB 8A C5 00 36 8A C5 00 88 8C C5 00 95 98 C5 00 13 8E C5 00 09 8D C5 00 7F A5 C5 00 73 8E C5 00 DA 80 C5 00]@YMMST.[13][02]

@Party Edt[00][19 02]Add?[02][19 02]Rmv[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 2F 81 C5 00 EE 81 C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1C 04]@Choose to add to team.[18 01 08][19 02]NS[02][19 02]Pal[02][19 02]Jef[02][19 02]Pu[02][19 02]Poky[02][19 02]Piky[02][19 02]Kg[02][19 02]Toy[02][19 02]BublMnky[02][19 02]DungMan[02][19 02]FlyngMn1[02][19 02]FlyngMn2[02][19 02]FlyngMn3[02][19 02]FlyngMn4[02][19 02]FlyngMn5[02][1C 0C 03][11][1B 05][19 04][18 00][18 03 01][1B 06][1B 02 E7 81 C5 00][1B 04][1F 11 00][1C 04][0A 48 81 C5 00]

[18 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[18 01 08][19 02]NS[02][19 02]Pal[02][19 02]Jef[02][19 02]Pu[02][19 02]Poky[02][19 02]Piky[02][19 02]Kg[02][19 02]Toy[02][19 02]BublMnky[02][19 02]DungMan[02][19 02]FlyngMn1[02][19 02]FlyngMn2[02][19 02]FlyngMn3[02][19 02]FlyngMn4[02][19 02]FlyngMn5[02][1C 0C 03][11][1B 05][19 04][18 00][18 03 01][1B 06][1B 02 E7 81 C5 00][1B 04][1F 11 00][1C 04][0A 48 81 C5 00]

[19 10 02][1B 02 50 82 C5 00]@``SPR-Y-NITW[00] NyURyKSTKDSI.[00][19 10 02][1B 02 4B 82 C5 00] [1F 52 01][1B 02 4B 82 C5 00][12][1B 04][19 10 00][1B 02 14 82 C5 00][1B 04][1F 12 00]@[1C 02 00]W HZSMS.[00][0A 14 82 C5 00]

@0NNNHDKMSN.[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

[19 10 02][1B 02 4B 82 C5 00] [1F 52 01][1B 02 4B 82 C5 00][12][1B 04][19 10 00][1B 02 14 82 C5 00][1B 04][1F 12 00]@[1C 02 00]W HZSMS.[00][0A 14 82 C5 00]

[01]@Cur GoodsEdt.[18 02][1C 04][18 0A][18 01 07][19 02]PlaceIn[02][19 02]KeyItems[02][19 02]SkpSndw[02][19 02]ClearIv[02][19 02]EscaroFill[02][19 02]EscroDel[02][19 02]Eqptl3t[02][1C 0C 01][11][1B 05][18 00][19 04][18 03 01][01][1B 06][09 07 F8 82 C5 00 69 83 C5 00 39 85 C5 00 68 85 C5 00 DC 85 C5 00 14 86 C5 00 3C 86 C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

@Use PKHckNmbrs [1F 52 03][12][1B 02 64 83 C5 00][1B 04][1D 03 FF][1B 02 58 83 C5 00][1B 00]@[1C 05 00] .[00] To Who??[08 2E E5 C5 00][00][1B 02 F8 82 C5 00][1D 0E 00 00][01]@PKHack Numbers[03][00][0A F8 82 C5 00]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

@MTMNItPIDS.[0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1A 01 84 E5 C5 00 8B E5 C5 00 92 E5 C5 00 99 E5 C5 00][02]

[18 02][1A 05 02 01][02]

[18 02][1A 05 02 02][02]

[18 02][1A 05 02 03][02]

[18 02][1A 05 02 04][02]

[18 02][18 01 0C][19 02]Key2Shk[02][19 02]RePhone[02][19 02]PenErse[02][19 02]FraklnBdg[02][19 02]KeyCbn[02][19 02]Bils[02][19 02]BadKeyMch[02][19 02]ZmbyPap[02][19 02]Diamnd[02][19 02]YgrtDspnr[02][19 02]Hiroglcopy[02][19 02]HwkI[02][19 02]PakGum[02][19 02]ShynessBk[02][19 02]MetorPc[02][19 02]SignBana[02][19 02]EraseEsr[02][19 02]TedaKt[02][19 02]Carrot Key[02][1C 0C 01][11][1B 05][18 00][19 04][18 03 01][01][1B 06][1B 02 64 83 C5 00][1B 04]@DRNSMSK.[08 2E E5 C5 00][1B 02 69 83 C5 00][1B 04][1F C0 13 B4 84 C5 00 BB 84 C5 00 C2 84 C5 00 C9 84 C5 00 D0 84 C5 00 D7 84 C5 00 DE 84 C5 00 E5 84 C5 00 EC 84 C5 00 F3 84 C5 00 FA 84 C5 00 01 85 C5 00 08 85 C5 00 0F 85 C5 00 16 85 C5 00 1D 85 C5 00 24 85 C5 00 2B 85 C5 00 32 85 C5 00][0A 69 83 C5 00]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 AA][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B5][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B8][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 01][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 AB][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B4][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 AC][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 AE][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B6][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 8B][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B9][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 AF][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 68][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 A4][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 C1][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 B7][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 D2][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 D3][02]

[1B 04][1D 0E 00 FD][02]

@SkipSandwichDX.[03][00][08 55 85 C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1D 03 FF][1B 02 67 85 C5 00][1D 0E 00 E1][0A 55 85 C5 00]


@Which One??.[00][19 02]All[02][19 02]One [02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 97 85 C5 00 C5 85 C5 00][0A 64 83 C5 00]

[0E 01][0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 C4 85 C5 00][19 10 00][19 19 00 01][1B 04][1B 02 BE 85 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 01][0A A7 85 C5 00]


[0F][0A 99 85 C5 00]

[0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 C4 85 C5 00][19 10 00][19 19 00 01][1B 04][1B 02 BE 85 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 01][0A A7 85 C5 00]

[19 19 00 01][1B 04][1B 02 BE 85 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 01][0A A7 85 C5 00]

[1C 04][08 56 E4 C5 00][1B 02 DB 85 C5 00][1D 0F 00 00][0A C7 85 C5 00]

[1C 04][1D 19 02][1B 03 99 E4 C5 00][1A 01 84 E5 C5 00 8B E5 C5 00 92 E5 C5 00 99 E5 C5 00][00][0D 00][1B 02 8E E4 C5 00][19 1B 02][1B 02 56 E4 C5 00][18 09][02]

[19 10 01][0D 00][1B 05][18 02][1B 06][1A 05 02 00][1B 06][18 09][02]

[18 03 02][18 00][18 03 01][1B 04][02]


[08 56 E4 C5 00][1B 02 DB 85 C5 00][1D 0F 00 00][0A C7 85 C5 00]

@EscroEx Full of l3t[0E 14][0D 01][1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 0E 86 C5 00][1D 18 00][0F][0A F2 85 C5 00]

[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0D 01][1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 0E 86 C5 00][1D 18 00][0F][0A F2 85 C5 00]

@EscroEx Deleted[19 1A 01][1B 02 36 86 C5 00][19 1C FF 01][0A 24 86 C5 00]

[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[19 1A 01][1B 02 36 86 C5 00][19 1C FF 01][0A 24 86 C5 00]

@l33t Items Equipd[03][08 59 86 C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0E 01][0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 9B 86 C5 00][19 10 00][19 19 00 07][1B 04][1B 02 80 86 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 07][0A 69 86 C5 00]


[1B 04][1F C0 04 9C 86 C5 00 BD 86 C5 00 DE 86 C5 00 FF 86 C5 00][0F][0A 5B 86 C5 00]

[1D 0E 01 19][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 01 3D][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 01 48][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 01 56][1F 83 00 00][02]

[1D 0E 02 22][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 02 C2][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 02 47][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 02 DC][1F 83 00 00][02]

[1D 0E 03 2F][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 03 3C][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 03 46][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 03 55][1F 83 00 00][02]

[1D 0E 04 3F][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 04 49][1F 83 00 00][1D 0E 04 57][1F 83 00 00][02]

[0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 9B 86 C5 00][19 10 00][19 19 00 07][1B 04][1B 02 80 86 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 07][0A 69 86 C5 00]

[19 19 00 07][1B 04][1B 02 80 86 C5 00][1B 04][1D 0F 00 07][0A 69 86 C5 00]

[01]@Choose??[1A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00][01][1B 02 EE 87 C5 00][1B 00][00]@Choos?[00][18 02][18 01 0C][19 02]Heal[02][19 02]Kil[02][19 02]Dia[02][19 02]Par[02][19 02]Sik[02][19 02]Pois[02][19 02]Sunburn[02][19 02]Cd[02][19 02]Mus[02][19 02]Ghst[02][19 02]HomSik[02][19 02]HPDwn[02][19 02]PPDwn[02][1C 0C 02][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][1B 06][09 0D F3 87 C5 00 13 88 C5 00 2F 88 C5 00 41 88 C5 00 4E 88 C5 00 5B 88 C5 00 68 88 C5 00 75 88 C5 00 82 88 C5 00 8F 88 C5 00 9C 88 C5 00 A9 88 C5 00 BB 88 C5 00][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 04 00 64][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 01 02][1B 04][1E 01 00 64][1E 05 00 64][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 01 03][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 04][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 05][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 06][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 07][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 01 08][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 02 02][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 02 03][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][19 05 00 06 02][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 01 00 5E][0A 18 87 C5 00]

[1B 01][1B 04][1E 04 00 64][1E 05 00 63][0A 18 87 C5 00]

@Go Somewher?[18 01 08][19 02]Onet[02][19 02]2son[02][19 02]Hapy[02][19 02]PeReVa[02][19 02]Thrd[02][19 02]Wintrs[02][19 02]Saturn [02][19 02]Belch[02][19 02]DusDest[02][19 02]4Side [02][19 02]MonSid[02][19 02]Sumr[02][19 02]Dlm[02][19 02]Scra[02][19 02]Dark[02][19 02]Te[02][19 02]LoUnder[02][19 02]Magic[02][19 02]WestCave[02][19 02]2StepBak[02][1C 0C 03][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][01][1B 06][09 14 E6 89 C5 00 EA 89 C5 00 EE 89 C5 00 F2 89 C5 00 F6 89 C5 00 FA 89 C5 00 FE 89 C5 00 02 8A C5 00 06 8A C5 00 0A 8A C5 00 0E 8A C5 00 12 8A C5 00 16 8A C5 00 1A 8A C5 00 1E 8A C5 00 22 8A C5 00 2E 8A C5 00 32 8A C5 00 26 8A C5 00 2A 8A C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1F 21 19][02]

[1F 21 1D][02]

[1F 21 B9][02]

[1F 21 15][02]

[1F 21 1C][02]

[1F 21 1E][02]

[1F 21 8F][02]

[1F 21 64][02]

[1F 21 90][02]

[1F 21 14][02]

[1F 21 18][02]

[1F 21 1F][02]

[1F 21 1B][02]

[1F 21 20][02]

[1F 21 AC][02]

[1F 21 16][02]

[1F 21 21][02]

[1F 21 17][02]

[1F 21 91][02]

[1F 21 1A][02]

[01]@Welcome toATM.[18 02][1C 04][18 0A][18 01 07][19 02]Max Acount[02][19 02]Hold Max [02][19 02]Cash Edit [02][19 02]Cash is 0[02][1C 0C 01][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][1B 06][01][09 04 6C 8B C5 00 AC 8B C5 00 D2 8B C5 00 30 8C C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

@ATM now has 999999 Cash.[13][0E 01][0D 01][1B 04][0B C8][1B 03 A0 8B C5 00][1D 06 50 C3 00 00][0F][0A 88 8B C5 00]

[1D 06 4F C3 00 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0D 01][1B 04][0B C8][1B 03 A0 8B C5 00][1D 06 50 C3 00 00][0F][0A 88 8B C5 00]

@You now have 99999..[13][1D 08 60 EA][1D 08 40 9C][18 0A][0A 00 80 C5 00]

@Choose amount hold[00][18 05 04 0A]&[18 05 04 02]$[1F 52 05][12][1B 02 2A 8C C5 00][1B 00][08 55 8C C5 00][1B 01][1B 04][1D 08 00 00][18 0A]@PR-Y-NSyZKNW[00] [1C 0A 00 00 00 00]DRN SMST.[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

[1D 09 10 27][1B 02 55 8C C5 00][1D 09 E8 03][1B 02 5F 8C C5 00][1D 09 64 00][1B 02 69 8C C5 00][1D 09 0A 00][1B 02 73 8C C5 00][1D 09 01 00][1B 02 7D 8C C5 00][02]

[1D 09 E8 03][1B 02 5F 8C C5 00][1D 09 64 00][1B 02 69 8C C5 00][1D 09 0A 00][1B 02 73 8C C5 00][1D 09 01 00][1B 02 7D 8C C5 00][02]

[1D 09 64 00][1B 02 69 8C C5 00][1D 09 0A 00][1B 02 73 8C C5 00][1D 09 01 00][1B 02 7D 8C C5 00][02]

[1D 09 0A 00][1B 02 73 8C C5 00][1D 09 01 00][1B 02 7D 8C C5 00][02]

[1D 09 01 00][1B 02 7D 8C C5 00][02]

[08 55 8C C5 00]@You are now holding $0..[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

@Choose??[00][19 02]Wole[02][19 02]One[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 61 8A C5 00 93 8A C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[08 DD 8A C5 00][1B 02 8D 8A C5 00][1B 04][1E 08 01 00][1E 08 02 00][1E 08 03 00][1E 08 04 00]@Kay-o, Done .[13][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[01]@Choose the level .[00] [1F 52 02][12][02]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

[01]@Select Member. .[1A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00][01][1B 02 D7 8A C5 00][1B 04][08 DD 8A C5 00][1B 02 D7 8A C5 00][1B 04][1E 08 00 00][0A 93 8A C5 00]

[0A 00 80 C5 00]

@Welcome to this menu. [18 02][1C 04][18 0A][18 01 07][19 02]Snail Deli[02][19 02]Snail Pick[02][19 02]Mach Pizza[02][19 02]CashD[02][19 02]A-y Strk[02][1C 0C 01][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][01][1B 06][1F C0 05 A3 42 C6 00 B0 3E C6 00 BF 4B C6 00 43 52 C6 00 B1 55 C6 00][02]

[08 BF 59 C6 00][05 B5 00]@I'm from Escargo Express!![03][00]@I'm here to deliver your[03][00][19 1D 01 00]@[1C 05 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 FC 42 C6 00],[00] [1C 05 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 FC 42 C6 00],[00] and [1C 05 00].[03][00][06 49 00 DE 43 C6 00]@Your charge is $18.[00] You can pay for this, right?[03][00][08 4D DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00]@Well, I need to take these things back then.[03][00]@Is that OK?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 A7 43 C6 00 6A 43 C6 00]@Hmmm, what should I do?[03][00]@You actually don't have any money, right?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00][0A 39 43 C6 00]

[08 72 DE C7 00][18 01 01][02]

[06 0B 03 2F 99 C9 00][05 F2 02][02]


.[03][00][06 49 00 DE 43 C6 00]@Your charge is $18.[00] You can pay for this, right?[03][00][08 4D DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00]@Well, I need to take these things back then.[03][00]@Is that OK?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 A7 43 C6 00 6A 43 C6 00]@Hmmm, what should I do?[03][00]@You actually don't have any money, right?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00][0A 39 43 C6 00]

[1D 03 FF][1B 02 2F 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][1D 09 12 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 1D 44 C6 00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 5F 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 1D 44 C6 00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 A0 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][08 00 46 C6 00][19 1D 01 01][19 1D 02 01][19 1D 03 01][02]

@Oh, you have too many things.[00] Please call us again later.[13][08 50 46 C6 00][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[19 1D 01 01][1D 18 00][19 1D 02 01][1B 02 71 46 C6 00][1D 18 00][19 1D 03 01][1B 02 71 46 C6 00][1D 18 00][02]


[1F E9 1F 05][1F 61][02]


[08 00 46 C6 00][19 1D 01 01][19 1D 02 01][19 1D 03 01][02]

[07 49 00][1F C0 01 2E 46 C6 00][18 0A][1F 02 76]@OK, here we are.[00] Thank you![13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[1D 08 12 00][02]

@I don't think you can carry everything.[03][00][19 1D 01 01]@Well, I'll leave just[00] the [1C 05 00].[03][00][08 00 46 C6 00][19 1D 02 01][1D 18 00][19 1D 03 01][1B 02 9F 44 C6 00][1D 18 00][02]


@I don't think you can carry everything.[03][00][19 1D 01 01]@Well, I'll leave just[00] the [1C 05 00][00] and[19 1D 02 01] the [1C 05 00].[03][00][08 00 46 C6 00][19 1D 03 01][1D 18 00][02]

[18 0A][19 02]Yes[02][19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][02]

[1D 14 12 00 00 00][1B 03 E3 44 C6 00][19 1D 01 00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 2F 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][1D 09 12 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 1D 44 C6 00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 5F 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 1D 44 C6 00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 A0 44 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][08 00 46 C6 00][19 1D 01 01][19 1D 02 01][19 1D 03 01][02]

@Ah, I see... You don't have enough money. Call us again later.[13][08 50 46 C6 00][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

@Well, I need to take these things back then.[03][00]@Is that OK?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 A7 43 C6 00 6A 43 C6 00]@Hmmm, what should I do?[03][00]@You actually don't have any money, right?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00][0A 39 43 C6 00]

[19 02]Yes[02][19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][02]

@Okay.[00] Call us again later.[13][08 50 46 C6 00][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

@Hmmm, what should I do?[03][00]@You actually don't have any money, right?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 CE 43 C6 00 39 43 C6 00][0A 39 43 C6 00]

[08 BF 59 C6 00][05 85 02][1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 B0 41 C6 00][06 49 00 42 3F C6 00]@Hello, this is Escargo Express![03][00]@Your delivery charge is $18.[03][00]@You can cover the bill, right?[00][08 4D DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 74 3F C6 00 1F 3F C6 00]@Oh, I see.[00] Please try us again.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

@Excuse me.[03][00]@We checked your records and found[03][00]@that we are already storing too many of your items.[03][00]@We cannot accept any more goods from you at this time.[03][00]@Please contact us later when we may have space for your items.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

@Hi, I'm from Escargo Express.[03][00]@I'm here to pick up your stuff.[03][00][0A 80 3F C6 00]

@What do you want me to take?[03][00]@I can take up to three things.[03][1C 04][08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 1F 3F C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 92 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 01 00]@[1C 05 00]?[1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 40 42 C6 00][01] Will there be anything else?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 FD 3F C6 00 A1 40 C6 00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

@Oh, I see.[00] Please try us again.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[08 33 46 C6 00][0A A2 3F C6 00]

@I think you should keep it.[03][00]@Do you have anything else you want me to take?[03][02]

[08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 1F 3F C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 92 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 01 00]@[1C 05 00]?[1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 40 42 C6 00][01] Will there be anything else?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 FD 3F C6 00 A1 40 C6 00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

[03][00]@We're sorry, we cannot carry more than three items.[03][00]@Please understand that it's our policy.[03][00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

@Let me just confirm your request. You want me to take[03][00][19 1D 01 00]@the [1C 05 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] the [1C 05 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] and the [1C 05 00].[03][00]@Is this correct?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 16 41 C6 00 55 41 C6 00][0A 55 41 C6 00]

[03][00]@Is this correct?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 16 41 C6 00 55 41 C6 00][0A 55 41 C6 00]

[1D 09 12 00][07 49 00][1F C0 01 2E 46 C6 00][18 0A][1F 02 76][08 50 46 C6 00]@All right, certainly,[00] thanks a lot![13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[19 1D 01 01][1D 0E 00 00][19 1D 02 01][1B 02 79 41 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][19 1D 03 01][1B 02 79 41 C6 00][1D 0E 00 00]@Well, let's start again, shall we?[03][0A A2 3F C6 00]

@Well, let's start again, shall we?[03][0A A2 3F C6 00]

@What do you want me to take?[03][08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 A1 40 C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 9C 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 02 00]@[1C 05 00]?[00][1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 40 42 C6 00][01] Will there be anything else?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 66 40 C6 00 A1 40 C6 00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

[08 33 46 C6 00][0A 0A 40 C6 00]

[08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 A1 40 C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 9C 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 02 00]@[1C 05 00]?[00][1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 40 42 C6 00][01] Will there be anything else?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 66 40 C6 00 A1 40 C6 00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

@Which one do you want me to take?[03][08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 A1 40 C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 A6 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 03 00]@[1C 05 00]?[03][00]@Let me just confirm your request. You want me to take[03][00][19 1D 01 00]@the [1C 05 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] the [1C 05 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] and the [1C 05 00].[03][00]@Is this correct?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 16 41 C6 00 55 41 C6 00][0A 55 41 C6 00]

[08 33 46 C6 00][0A 78 40 C6 00]

[08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 A1 40 C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 A6 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 03 00]@[1C 05 00]?[03][00]@Let me just confirm your request. You want me to take[03][00][19 1D 01 00]@the [1C 05 00][19 1D 02 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] the [1C 05 00][19 1D 03 00][1B 02 F1 40 C6 00][00] and the [1C 05 00].[03][00]@Is this correct?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 16 41 C6 00 55 41 C6 00][0A 55 41 C6 00]

[1D 14 12 00 00 00][1B 03 7C 42 C6 00]@What do you want me to take?[03][00]@I can take up to three things.[03][1C 04][08 56 E4 C5 00][01][1B 02 1F 3F C6 00][1B 00][1D 0C 00 00][1B 03 92 41 C6 00][1B 01][19 1C 00 00][19 1D 01 00]@[1C 05 00]?[1D 0C 01 01][18 07 02 00 00 00 00][1B 03 40 42 C6 00][01] Will there be anything else?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 FD 3F C6 00 A1 40 C6 00][0A A1 40 C6 00]

@You don't have enough money.[03][00]@Call us at another time.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[08 BF 59 C6 00][05 B4 00]@Hello! Mach Pizza delivery![00] Here is your pizza pie, sir.[03][00][1D 03 FF][1B 02 9E 4C C6 00][0D 00][1B 00][06 B3 00 60 4C C6 00][0E 5F][0D 01][1D 0A 00][1B 04]@That'll be $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00]. You have the money, don't you?[00][1B 00][08 4D DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 6A 4C C6 00 42 4C C6 00]@I see.[00] Call us again.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[05 B3 00]@Oh, it looks like you can not carry any more.[00] Call us again some other time.[0A 52 4C C6 00]

[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[05 B3 00][0E 61][0A 0A 4C C6 00]

[0D 01][1D 0A 00][1B 04]@That'll be $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00]. You have the money, don't you?[00][1B 00][08 4D DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 6A 4C C6 00 42 4C C6 00]@I see.[00] Call us again.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

[1D 14 00 00 00 00][1B 03 C9 4C C6 00][1B 01][1B 04][1D 03 FF][1B 02 9E 4C C6 00][1D 0E 00 00][1B 01][1D 09 00 00][18 0A][1F 02 76]@Thank you very much.[0A 52 4C C6 00]

@Oh? You are a little short of cash. Well, call us again some other time.[0A 52 4C C6 00]

@I see.[00] Call us again.[13][18 04][08 E8 DD C7 00][08 C8 59 C6 00][02]

@Shhhhh! Be quiet![00] I look very important, but I'm not really.....[03][00]@I'm a cash dispenser man.[03][00]@If you want to withdraw cash.....[03][00]@I'll charge you a handling fee,[03][00]@which is the same amount as your withdrawal.[03][00]@So, do you want a withdrawal?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 0C 53 C6 00 F1 52 C6 00][01]@...I'll be here, so...[00] Come back any time.[13][02]

@You have $[1C 01 07] in your account now.[00][19 02]Withdrawal[02][19 02]Deposit[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 A5 53 C6 00 4A 53 C6 00][0A F1 52 C6 00]

[1D 17 01 00 00 00][1B 03 F3 54 C6 00][1D 14 9F 86 01 00][1B 02 0E 55 C6 00][08 8C 55 C6 00][1B 02 F1 52 C6 00][1B 04][1D 17 00 00 00 00][1B 03 27 55 C6 00][1D 07 00 00 00 00][1D 17 00 00 00 00][1B 03 44 55 C6 00]@Your cash withdrawal[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00],[03][00]@and the handling charge[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][00]@I will subtract this amount from your account.[03][00]@Is that okay with you?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 68 54 C6 00 5D 54 C6 00][1D 06 00 00 00 00][0A F1 52 C6 00]

@I don't think you have any savings in the bank.[03][0A F1 52 C6 00]

[01]@...I'll be here, so...[00] Come back any time.[13][02]

@I don't think you can withdraw any more money.[03][00][0A F1 52 C6 00]

[01]@How much do you want to withdraw?[03][00]@Balance: $[1C 01 07][00][08 C5 2F C6 00][02]

[18 0A][18 05 0A 02]&[18 05 04 02]$[1F 52 05][12][02]

@I don't think you have that much money in your account.[03][00][0A A5 53 C6 00]

[1D 06 00 00 00 00]@I don't think you have enough money for my handling fee.[03][00][0A A5 53 C6 00]

[1D 07 00 00 00 00][1D 08 00 00][18 0A][1F 02 74][10 0A]@Your withdrawal[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][0A 96 54 C6 00]

[01]@Okay...[03][00]@Please don't bother yourself with me...you should continue your journey.[13][02]

[1D 06 00 00 00 00][0A F1 52 C6 00]

[1D 17 7F 96 98 00][1B 02 C4 54 C6 00][08 66 55 C6 00][1B 02 F1 52 C6 00][1B 04][1D 14 00 00 00 00][1B 03 DE 54 C6 00][1D 09 00 00][1D 06 00 00 00 00][18 0A][1F 02 76][10 0A]@I have registered your deposit[00] of $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][00][0A 96 54 C6 00]

[01]@I don't think you can deposit any more money.[03][00][0A F1 52 C6 00]

[01]@How much will you deposit?[03][00]@Balance: $[1C 01 07][00][08 C5 2F C6 00][02]

[01]@I don't think you have that much money.[03][00][0A 4A 53 C6 00]

[06 03 00 62 59 C6 00][04 03 00]@You're a foreigner, aren't you?[03][00]@I am a world-wise Tenda.[03][00]@I was an exchange student who traveled to a country[03][00]@that is known as an economic superpower.[03][00]@My name is Ay-go Stikke.[03][00]@Let me know if I can do anything for you.[03][00]@Shall I loan you some money?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 94 56 C6 00 71 56 C6 00]@I don't feel strange about it at all.[00] Please ask me any time.[13][02]

@Hi! I'm Ay-go.[03][00][0A 4D 56 C6 00]

@Shall I loan you some money?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 94 56 C6 00 71 56 C6 00]@I don't feel strange about it at all.[00] Please ask me any time.[13][02]

@If you want to withdraw.....[03][00]@I will charge you a handling fee[03][00]@that is equal to the amount of your withdrawal.[03][00]@Is that okay with you?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 13 57 C6 00 F5 56 C6 00]@I don't think you've ever really gotten into bad trouble.[13][02]

@You have $[1C 01 07] in your account now.[00][19 02]Withdrawal[02][19 02]Deposit[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 AC 57 C6 00 51 57 C6 00][0A 71 56 C6 00]

[1D 17 01 00 00 00][1B 03 E8 58 C6 00][1D 14 9F 86 01 00][1B 02 00 59 C6 00][08 9A 59 C6 00][1B 02 71 56 C6 00][1B 04][1D 17 00 00 00 00][1B 03 23 59 C6 00][1D 07 00 00 00 00][1D 17 00 00 00 00][1B 03 3E 59 C6 00]@Your withdrawal[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00],[03][00]@and the handling fee[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][00]@Is it okay if I subtract this amount from your account?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 63 58 C6 00 58 58 C6 00][1D 06 00 00 00 00][0A F5 56 C6 00]

@You don't have any money in your account.[03][00][0A 71 56 C6 00]

@I don't feel strange about it at all.[00] Please ask me any time.[13][02]

@I think it's impossible for you to carry any more money.[03][00][0A 71 56 C6 00]

[01]@How much do you want to withdraw?[03][00] (account:$[1C 01 07])[00][08 C5 2F C6 00][02]

@You don't have that much money in your account.[03][00][0A AC 57 C6 00]

[1D 06 00 00 00 00]@I don't think you can cover my handling charge.[03][00][0A AC 57 C6 00]

[1D 07 00 00 00 00][1D 08 00 00][18 0A][1F 02 74][10 0A]@Your withdrawal[00] is $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][00][0A 92 58 C6 00]

[01]@It was a very good opportunity for the both of us.[03][00]@Please come again.[13][02]

[1D 06 00 00 00 00][0A F5 56 C6 00]

@I don't think you've ever really gotten into bad trouble.[13][02]

[1D 17 7F 96 98 00][1B 02 BB 58 C6 00][08 75 59 C6 00][1B 02 71 56 C6 00][1B 04][1D 14 00 00 00 00][1B 03 D4 58 C6 00][1D 09 00 00][1D 06 00 00 00 00][18 0A][1F 02 76][10 0A]@I have registered your deposit[00] of $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[03][00][0A 92 58 C6 00]

@I don't think you can deposit any more money.[03][00][0A 71 56 C6 00]

[01]@How much do you want to deposit?[03][00] (account:$[1C 01 07])[00][08 C5 2F C6 00][02]

@I don't think you have that much money.[03][00][0A 51 57 C6 00]

@What Event? [00] [1F 52 02][01][09 46 D0 99 C5 00 F4 99 C5 00 15 9A C5 00 40 9A C5 00 72 9A C5 00 A4 9A C5 00 CE 9A C5 00 F5 9A C5 00 25 9B C5 00 45 9B C5 00 78 9B C5 00 B5 9B C5 00 D7 9B C5 00 FC 9B C5 00 39 9C C5 00 67 9C C5 00 84 9C C5 00 B5 9C C5 00 D9 9C C5 00 06 9D C5 00 30 9D C5 00 61 9D C5 00 7F 9D C5 00 A0 9D C5 00 BD 9D C5 00 E1 9D C5 00 01 9E C5 00 21 9E C5 00 40 9E C5 00 62 9E C5 00 84 9E C5 00 B2 9E C5 00 08 9F C5 00 44 9F C5 00 60 9F C5 00 80 9F C5 00 A0 9F C5 00 BD 9F C5 00 F1 9F C5 00 0C A0 C5 00 36 A0 C5 00 5B A0 C5 00 7E A0 C5 00 B3 A0 C5 00 DB A0 C5 00 FE A0 C5 00 1A A1 C5 00 54 A1 C5 00 7D A1 C5 00 AE A1 C5 00 CD A1 C5 00 FF A1 C5 00 32 A2 C5 00 5E A2 C5 00 7A A2 C5 00 9C A2 C5 00 C2 A2 C5 00 EC A2 C5 00 18 A3 C5 00 42 A3 C5 00 6C A3 C5 00 96 A3 C5 00 C0 A3 C5 00 EA A3 C5 00 14 A4 C5 00 3E A4 C5 00 65 A4 C5 00 8B A4 C5 00 B4 A4 C5 00 CD A4 C5 00]@YMMST.[0A 00 80 C5 00]

IBNT[00] BNB-NWNKMNSR[13][18 04][0E 0A][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 05][1F 11 07][1F 21 73][02]

[1F 41 0F][08 82 90 C5 00][08 0A A5 C5 00][04 0B 00][08 97 85 C5 00][1D 0E 01 B1][1D 08 E8 03][02]

[1F 41 0F][18 07 0A 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 14 02][04 77 01][05 14 02][04 DC 01][04 DD 01][05 DD 01][04 01 02][04 15 02][04 05 02][04 D6 01][04 D7 01][04 D8 01][05 15 02][04 DA 01][05 DA 01][04 12 02][04 ED 02][05 ED 02][04 27 01][04 D5 01][04 D9 01][04 D4 01][04 DD 01][05 DD 01][05 27 01][05 D9 01][04 61 00][04 D3 01][04 2D 01][04 13 02][04 60 00][04 5E 00][04 13 00][04 4C 00][04 36 01][05 2D 01][05 36 01][04 D2 01][04 15 00][05 12 02][05 13 02][04 1E 00][04 5F 00][04 62 00][05 5F 00][05 D3 01][04 C7 00][04 C8 00][04 C9 00][04 D1 00][04 EE 02][18 07 0B 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 30 01][04 64 00][04 14 00][05 D2 01][05 D4 01][04 E6 02][04 2E 01][05 2E 01][04 12 00][04 25 00][18 07 0C 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 23 00][04 22 00][05 15 00][05 14 00][04 68 00][05 12 00][04 2F 01][05 2F 01][04 6B 00][04 79 02][04 1F 00][04 A6 01][05 6B 00][18 07 0D 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 B0 02][04 FF 01][04 28 00][04 40 00][04 50 00][04 6C 00][04 B9 02][04 6B 01][04 6C 01][04 6D 01][18 07 0E 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 BE 00][04 B6 00][04 7A 02][05 7A 02][04 C2 01][04 C1 01][04 24 00][05 24 00][04 6D 00][04 27 00][05 C1 01][04 26 00][04 21 01][04 22 01][04 23 01][04 24 01][04 25 01][05 26 00][05 27 00][04 69 00][05 C2 01][05 23 00][05 25 00][05 E6 02][18 07 14 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 D2 00][04 42 01][04 7B 02][05 7B 02][04 76 00][04 41 01][04 64 02][04 70 02][04 42 00][04 70 00][04 26 01][04 75 00][04 52 00][05 26 01][18 07 15 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 6F 00][04 55 01][04 2A 00][04 AF 00][04 53 00][04 53 01][05 2A 00][04 1C 01][04 E7 02][04 56 00][04 2D 00][05 2D 00][18 07 16 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 44 00][04 5F 01][04 60 01][04 61 01][04 62 01][04 63 01][04 64 01][05 AF 00][04 2C 00][05 2C 00][04 C6 00][04 0D 00][05 76 00][04 BF 00][04 B7 00][04 0C 00][04 63 02][05 63 02][18 07 17 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 55 00][04 29 02][04 25 02][04 2B 00][05 2B 00][04 3F 01][04 73 00][04 77 00][05 70 02][04 35 01][04 17 02][04 3A 01][05 3A 01][05 17 02][05 35 01][18 07 1E 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 D3 00][04 2E 00][04 B1 01][04 4C 02][05 2E 00][04 28 01][05 28 01][04 29 01][05 29 01][04 2A 01][05 2A 01][05 B1 01][04 7C 02][05 7C 02][04 D4 00][04 80 00][18 07 1F 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 17 00][04 5C 02][04 5D 02][04 58 00][04 4F 01][05 4F 01][04 20 02][04 43 01][04 4E 01][04 16 00][04 1F 01][04 B8 02][18 07 20 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 81 00][04 35 00][04 A0 01][04 A1 01][04 A2 01][04 A3 01][04 A4 01][04 A5 01][04 32 00][05 32 00][04 37 01][05 16 00][18 07 21 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 7F 00][04 EC 02][04 0E 00][04 72 02][05 72 02][04 2F 00][04 6E 02][04 4D 02][04 31 00][04 1D 02][18 07 22 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 45 00][05 31 00][04 9D 02][04 28 02][04 9D 02][04 57 00][04 7C 00][05 7C 00][04 7D 00][04 05 03][04 2C 01][18 07 23 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 5B 02][04 D5 00][04 83 00][04 71 01][04 47 00][05 05 03][04 75 02][04 4E 02][04 6F 02][05 6F 02][04 A6 01][05 7D 00][05 75 02][04 C1 00][04 B9 00][18 07 28 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 72 01][04 54 02][04 89 00][04 37 00][04 36 00][04 88 00][04 D6 00][05 4D 02][05 4E 02][04 5F 02][04 60 02][04 AE 00][18 07 29 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 15 01][04 16 01][04 17 01][04 18 01][04 19 01][04 06 02][04 07 02][04 08 02][04 09 02][04 48 00][05 36 00][05 37 00][04 4D 01][04 37 00][04 1A 01][04 10 01][05 10 01][05 37 00][04 5A 00][04 92 00][04 93 00][18 07 2A 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 52 02][04 08 03][04 39 00][05 52 02][04 2B 02][04 8B 00][05 2B 02][04 2C 02][05 39 00][04 3C 00][04 91 00][05 3C 00][18 07 2B 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 3F 00][04 06 03][04 A5 00][04 A0 00][04 A1 00][04 A2 00][04 A3 00][05 A4 00][05 A0 00][05 A1 00][05 A2 00][05 A3 00][05 A4 00][04 3F 00][04 77 02][04 4B 00][04 78 01][04 4F 02][05 4F 02][04 3B 00][04 E9 02][18 07 2C 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 C3 01][04 C4 01][04 C5 01][04 C6 01][04 C7 01][04 C8 01][04 C9 01][04 CA 01][04 CB 01][04 CC 01][04 CE 01][04 CF 01][04 D0 01][04 D1 01][04 04 02][04 2A 02][04 65 02][04 66 02][05 66 02][04 67 02][05 67 02][05 65 02][04 13 01][05 3B 00][04 8E 00][04 1E 01][04 65 01][04 66 01][04 67 01][04 68 01][04 69 01][04 6A 01][04 3E 01][05 3E 01][05 08 03][04 0F 00][04 98 02][04 E5 02][04 A0 02][04 8F 00][04 79 01][04 7A 01][04 3D 01][05 3D 01][05 2F 00][04 30 00][04 05 03][05 30 00][05 05 03][18 07 2D 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 6D 02][05 6D 02][05 EC 02][04 76 02][04 61 02][04 C0 00][04 B8 00][04 EC 02][04 D7 00][18 07 32 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 CB 00][04 1B 02][04 51 01][04 69 02][04 3D 00][05 3D 00][04 95 00][04 D8 00][04 53 02][18 07 33 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 96 00][04 11 01][04 10 00][04 5A 01][04 59 02][04 5A 02][04 94 00][04 57 01][04 AF 02][05 AF 02][04 8C 00][04 5B 00][04 3A 00][04 C2 00][04 BA 00][04 8C 02][04 C3 00][04 BB 00][18 07 34 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 37 00][18 07 35 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 2D 02][04 D9 00][04 98 00][04 56 01][04 B3 01][04 5B 01][04 5C 01][04 1B 01][04 86 01][04 87 01][04 88 01][04 89 01][04 8A 01][04 8B 01][04 8C 01][04 8D 01][04 8E 01][04 8F 01][04 90 01][04 91 01][04 92 01][04 93 01][04 94 01][04 95 01][04 96 01][04 97 01][04 98 01][04 99 01][04 9A 01][04 9B 01][04 9C 01][04 9D 01][04 9E 01][04 9F 01][04 11 00][18 07 36 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 50 01][04 5E 02][04 18 00][04 3E 00][04 12 01][04 BD 01][04 97 00][04 FA 02][18 07 3C 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 DA 00][04 20 01][04 14 01][18 07 3D 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 DB 00][04 9A 00][04 7B 01][04 7C 01][04 34 00][04 6C 02][04 6A 02][05 6C 02][04 2B 01][04 6B 02][04 B2 01][04 46 00][04 7E 00][04 33 00][05 33 00][04 66 00][04 59 00][04 9B 00][04 1C 02][04 99 00][04 89 02][04 82 00][04 1A 02][04 9C 00][04 9D 00][04 9E 00][04 C4 00][04 BC 00][18 07 3E 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 DC 00][05 34 00][04 8B 02][04 A7 01][04 68 02][04 C5 00][04 BD 00][05 B6 00][05 B7 00][05 B8 00][05 B9 00][05 BA 00][05 BB 00][05 BC 00][05 BD 00][04 80 01][18 07 3F 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 73 01][04 9F 00][04 B4 01][04 B5 01][04 B6 01][04 4A 00][04 7E 01][05 DC 01][04 5D 01][05 5D 01][18 07 40 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 84 00][05 A6 01][04 78 02][05 79 02][05 05 02][04 4F 00][04 86 00][18 07 41 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 85 00][04 4C 01][04 48 01][04 49 01][04 4A 01][05 48 01][04 4B 01][04 47 01][04 1D 01][05 7E 01][04 51 01][04 74 01][18 07 42 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][05 74 01][04 49 00][04 E6 02][04 E5 02][04 A6 01][05 78 02][04 74 02][04 79 02][04 05 02][04 7D 02][18 07 43 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 7E 02][04 99 02][04 9A 02][04 9B 02][04 09 03][04 01 03][04 83 02][04 04 03][04 03 03][04 02 03][04 01 03][18 07 44 00 00 00 02][1B 02 94 98 C5 00][04 FB 02][02]


[1F 11 01][08 2C 16 C9 00][19 10 02][1B 02 25 A5 C5 00][1B 04][1F 12 00][0A 12 A5 C5 00]

[0E 01][0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 74 16 C9 00][19 10 00][1B 00][1D 0D 00 01 02][1B 02 5A 16 C9 00][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 04 00 64][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1F 02 25][0F][0A 2E 16 C9 00]


[1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1F 02 25][0F][0A 2E 16 C9 00]

[0D 01][1D 19 00][1B 03 74 16 C9 00][19 10 00][1B 00][1D 0D 00 01 02][1B 02 5A 16 C9 00][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 04 00 64][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1F 02 25][0F][0A 2E 16 C9 00]


[19 10 02][1B 02 25 A5 C5 00][1B 04][1F 12 00][0A 12 A5 C5 00]

IBNT[00] BNB-NNSIG[13][18 04][0E 0B][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 05][1F 11 06][1F 21 74][02]

IBNT[00] KIKN5NNNK[00][13][18 04][0E 0D][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 BE 00][04 B6 00][04 C2 01][04 C1 01][04 27 00][1F 21 75][02]

IBNT[00] YURIBS[13][18 04][0E 0E][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 D2 00][1D 0E 01 B0][1D 0E 01 A4][1D 0E 01 A2][1D 0E 01 C5][1D 0E 01 CA][04 00 02][1F 21 1D][02]

IBNT[00] TNZRST-Z[00] (KOSGKZyU)[13][18 04][0E 16][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 55 00][04 29 02][04 25 02][04 2B 00][1F 21 76][02]

IBNT[00] K-PINT-N[00] KMNRW OTSRR[13][18 04][0E 14][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 AF 00][1F 21 77][02]

IBNT[00] P-RNKyUSyT[00][13][18 04][0E 15][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 44 00][05 AF 00][1D 0E 01 AB][1F 21 78][02]

IBNT[00] TNZRKIHU[00] (KOSGKZyU)[13][18 04][0E 16][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1D 0E 01 B4][04 3F 01][1F 21 79][02]

IBNT[00] ZNBNTKMR[13][18 04][0E 17][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 29 01][1F 11 02][1F 21 7A][02]

IBNT[00] BR-NMNK-N[00] KUTyUYUEI[13][18 04][0E 1E][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1F 12 01][04 43 01][1D 0E 03 68][1F 21 7B][02]

IBNT[00] TSKNTtS-[13][18 04][0E 1F][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1F 12 01][1F 11 09][1D 0E 03 68][04 58 01][04 B8 02][1F 21 2E][1F 66 01 27 0F AE C9 00][1F 66 02 30 87 B0 C6 00][02]

[05 58 01][1F 67 02][02]

[1F EB 09 06][1F 15 2E 00 FB 00 01][1F 61][19 22 03 03 2E 00 1F][13][03][00][1F F3 2E 00 03][10 3C][1F F4 2E][00][18 01 01]@Kya kyi kya kyoo.[00] (Give me some gum now.)[03][00]@Kaki kuke ko.[00] (I'll take care of everything.)[13][18 04][10 1E][0A 03 81 C8 00]

[1F 67 02][04 0B 00][1F 41 05][1F E9 8F 02][1F E9 90 02][1F 1F 2E 00 06][1F 15 31 00 FC 00 01][1F 61][1F 1F 31 00 06][1F 15 32 00 DF 01 01][1F 61] [1F 15 FC 00 E0 01 01] [1F 61] [05 02 00][1F 1F 32 00 06][1F 15 2E 00 E1 01 01][1F 61] [1F E7 FC 00][1F E7 2E 00][05 58 01] [1F 1E 82 02 06][1F 1E 83 02 06][1F 1E 84 02 06][1F 1E 8E 02 06][1F F1 8F 02 EB 01][1F F1 90 02 EC 01][10 78][1F EA 2E 00][1F EA FC 00][1F 61] [1F E7 FC 00][04 19 02][1F 03][1F 15 6A 00 E3 01 01][10 01][1F EF 6A 00][1F E8 FF][1F 61] [04 02 00] [10 3C][1F EA FC 00] [1F E5 03][1F 61] [1F E7 FC 00][1F F2 6A 00 E4 01] [1F E8 03][05 02 00] [1F 61][1F ED][1F E5 FF][1F F2 2E 00 E2 01] [1F 61][1F 1F 2E 00 06][1F EC 09 01][10 3C][1F EA FC 00] [1F 61][1F 15 73 01 ED 01 01][1F 15 73 01 EE 01 01][1F 61] [1F 1F FC 00 06][1F 1E 8F 02 06][1F 1E 90 02 06][05 59 01][05 0B 00][08 6B DD C7 00][05 19 02][1F 03][19 26 06][04 81 00][1F 41 06][02]

[1F 07 03][10 B4][1F 01 00][02]

IBNT[00] AND-NtTHKS[13][18 04][0E 20][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1F 12 01][1F 21 7D][02]

IBNT[00] B-NS#TNZRST-Z[13][18 04][0E 28][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 21 7E][02]

IBNT[00] SGTyNTUZyU[13][18 04][0E 28][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 15 01][04 16 01][04 17 01][04 18 01][04 19 01][04 48 00][05 36 00][04 1A 01][04 10 01][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 21 7F][02]

IBNT[00] TNZRSIGNST-Z[13][18 04][0E 29][08 EC A4 C5 00][05 92 00][05 93 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1D 0E 01 B6][1F 21 80][02]

IBNT[00] MNTR-[13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 8E 00][1F 11 03][1F 21 81][02]

IBNT[00] TNZRBS[00] (Fo-SID)[13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 3D 01][04 8E 00][04 8F 00][1F 11 03][1F 11 02][1F 21 82][02]

IBNT[00] SKIUo-K-2[13][18 04][0E 2C][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 30 00][1F 11 03][1F 11 02][1F 21 83][02]

IBNT[00] SM-ZNMZtKK-K[13][18 04][0E 2C][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 CB 00][04 69 02][04 3D 00][1F 11 03][1F 11 02][1F 21 84][02]

IBNT[00] P- MNSyGyU[13][18 04][0E 32][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 04][1F 12 01][1F 66 01 01 03 22 C9 00][1F 21 85][02]

[04 0B 00][1F 15 6A 00 53 01 01] [08 B8 B4 C9 00][1F 07 02][10 3C][1F 13 04 03][10 04][1F 13 04 04][10 04][1F 13 04 05][10 04][1F EB FF 06][1F 15 6A 01 54 01 01][1F 00 00 3C][05 02 00] [1F 61] [06 02 00 17 24 C9 00] [1F E7 6A 01][1F 15 A3 00 55 01 01] [1F 61] [1F E7 A3 00][08 61 24 C9 00] [1F EA A3 00] [1F 61][1F EA 6A 01][1F 61] [06 02 00 17 24 C9 00] [1F 15 6D 01 56 01 01] [05 03 00] [04 04 00] [1F 61] [06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [04 03 00][1F 61] [1C 04] [1F F2 6D 01 57 01] [05 03 00] [05 05 00] [08 4A 25 C9 00][06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [08 E3 25 C9 00][06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [08 8E 26 C9 00][06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [08 23 27 C9 00][06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [04 05 00][1F 61][08 EA 27 C9 00][06 02 00 2E 24 C9 00] [04 03 00] [1F 61] [1F 1F 6D 01 06] [1F EC FF 01] [10 01][1F 03][1F 15 58 00 55 01 01][1F 61] [1F E7 58 00][1F 13 04 07][08 58 29 C9 00] [1F EA 58 00] [1F 61][02]

[10 01][1F EF 6A 00][1F E8 FF][1F 61][1F ED][1F E5 FF][02]

[1F EC FF 01] [1F 1F 6A 01 06][1E 00 04 64][1F 04 01][1F 03][02]

[18 01 01]@Ah![10 0F] Prince [1C 02 04]...[03][00]@I am a messenger from your master...[03][00]@He sent me to tell you that you must stop your meditation immediately.[03][00]@Prince [1C 02 04]![03][00]@You must come back with me instead of staying in a place such as this.[03][00]@Your Master wishes it...[10 0F] please rise, Prince...[03][00]@Your highness, you must give up this trial for now... believe what I say,[03][00]@it is the truth...[13][18 04][02]

[1E 00 04 64][1F 04 01][04 03 00][10 01][06 04 00 2E 24 C9 00] [05 02 00][1F 1F 6D 01 06] [1F EC FF 01] [02]

[18 01 01]@Prince [1C 02 04]...[03][00]@I am the spirit of your ancient lineage.[03][00]@To complete your trial,[10 0F] I am going to break your legs.[03][00]@You will lose the use of them.[03][00]@Do you accept this?[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 DB 25 C9 00 D0 25 C9 00][04 02 00][18 04][1F 02 20][10 64][02]

[08 09 29 C9 00][18 00][02]

[18 03 01][18 00][1F 02 3F][10 0A][1C 04][1E 01 04 50][1F 02 3D][10 5A][1F 02 2E][10 1E][02]

[04 02 00][18 04][1F 02 20][10 64][02]

[18 01 01]@So, Prince [1C 02 04]...[03][00]@you cannot walk, as your legs are broken.[03][00]@Next, I will tear your arms off...[03][00]@I shall then take your arms and feed them to the crows.[03][00]@The taking of your arms...[03][00]@Do you accept this?[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 86 26 C9 00 D0 25 C9 00][0A D0 25 C9 00]

[08 24 29 C9 00][18 00][02]

[18 03 01][18 00][1F 02 3F][10 0A][1C 04][1E 01 04 50][1F 02 3D][10 5A][1F 02 2F][10 1E][02]

[18 01 01]@Ah, Prince [1C 02 04]...[03][00]@Without legs and arms, you can only lie there...[03][00]@Now, I'll cut your ears off.[03][00]@You do not mind my taking your hearing away, do you?[03][00]@Do you accept this?[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 1B 27 C9 00 D0 25 C9 00][0A D0 25 C9 00]

[08 3F 29 C9 00][18 00][02]

[18 03 01][18 00][1F 02 3F][10 0A][1F 02 3D][10 5A][1F 07 02][1F 01 00][02]

[1F 04 03][18 01 01]@(So, Prince [1C 02 04].[03][00]@No legs, no arms and no sound...[03][00]@By floating words through the air,[10 0F] I must ask you...[03][00]@Do you care if I take your eyes?[03][00]@Do you want to live in eternal darkness?[03][00]@I shall steal your sight...[03][00]@Do you accept this?)[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 E2 27 C9 00 D0 25 C9 00][0A D0 25 C9 00]

[08 55 29 C9 00][18 00][02]

[18 04][02]

[18 01 01]@(So, Prince [1C 02 04].[03][00]@Now, I can only communicate directly with your mind.[03][00]@Your mind is all you have left...[03][00]@In the end, I will take your mind,[03][00]@though you probably don't want to allow that, do you?[03][00]@So... you can't answer?[10 14] You can't even move?[03][00]@Are you sad, are you lonely?[03][00]@If you lose your mind,[10 0F][00] you also lose any feelings of sadness...[03][00]@Do you accept this?[03][00]@I will take your mind, Prince [1C 02 04],[10 14] know that I will possess it...)[03][10 14][18 04][04 11 01][1E 00 04 64][1F 04 01][04 53 02][02]

[18 01 01]@Prince [1C 02 04]![03][00]@You have now completed your training![03][00]@The old Master must be so pleased![10 14] Hurry,[10 0F] now,[10 0F] and return to the palace.[03][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] B-NSST-ZSN2[13][18 04][0E 32][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 96 00][04 11 01][04 10 00][04 8C 00][04 34 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 86][02]

[1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 11 04][02]

IBNT[00] TtS-SN2[13][18 04][0E 33][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 87][02]

IBNT[00] ST-NHNZ[13][18 04][0E 33][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 2B 01][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 88][02]

IBNT[00] UMNKUR[13][18 04][0E 34][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 89][02]

IBNT[00] GMTGMDRAN[13][18 04][0E 3D][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 21][1D 0E 01 D3][02]

IBNT[00] PRMtDNODR[13][18 04][0E 34][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 8B][02]

IBNT[00] SBMRN[13][18 04][0E 36][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][04 12 01][1F 21 8C][02]

IBNT[00] HKRGK[13][18 04][0E 3C][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 C4 00][1F 21 8D][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNSUND[13][18 04][0E 3D][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 C5 00][1F 21 8E][02]

IBNT[00] SP-STNNR1#5[13][18 04][0E 3F][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 8F][02]

IBNT[00] SP-STNNR2T3[13][18 04][0E 3F][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 4F 00][04 86 00][04 85 00][04 7E 01][1F 21 8F][02]

IBNT[00] SRDNZyN[13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1D 0E 01 E0][1D 0E 01 5D][1D 0E 01 5A][1D 0E 01 5A][1D 0E 01 E9][1D 0E 01 5F][1D 0E 01 5F][1D 0E 01 61][1D 0E 01 7F][1D 0E 01 6C][1D 0E 01 5C][1D 0E 01 8C][1D 0E 01 B8][04 3B 00][04 E9 02][1F 21 90][02]

IBNT[00] MBRSRUZN SITIKK[13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 84 00][04 7E 01][1F 66 01 07 3C BC C9 00][1F 66 02 29 17 59 EF 00][1F 21 91][02]

[1F 67 01][1F 66 01 08 48 BC C9 00][02]

[1F 00 00 7F][1F 17 FB 04 36 01 04] [10 78][10 3C][1F 17 F8 04 37 01 01] [1F 17 F5 04 38 01 01][1F 17 F7 04 3A 01 01] [1F 61][1F 03][19 23 F5 04 01 FF 00][1F 16 F5 04 00][1F E6 F8 04][1F E6 F5 04][1F E6 F7 04][08 A1 BC C9 00][04 48 01][04 49 01][04 4A 01][04 47 01][02]

[06 1D 01 69 BD C9 00][18 01 01]@The Phase Distorter has been completed.[03][00]@We could finish it quickly because of Mr. Saturn's incredible scientific skill...[03][00]@Giygas is attacking from our exact location,[03][00]@but he is attacking from many years in the past.[03][18 04][02]

@In order to defeat Giygas,[10 0F] who is attacking from the past,[03][00]@you must warp to the past.[03][00]@This can be done by way of the <Phase Distorter 3.>[03][00]@However, the machine cannot warp living things,[10 0F] I mean lifeforms.[03][00]@Life is demolished in the process of warping.[03][00]@The only way to accomplish the time travel is[03][00]@to transfer your brain <program> into a robot,[03][00]@and send the robot to the past.[03][00]@...The transfer means that your spirit will go with the robot[03][00]@while your body is left behind...[03][00]@I cannot promise that your spirit will come back after the battle in the past.[03][00]@Yet, you must understand that the four of you are the chosen ones.[03][00]@Do you still wish to face Giygas by traveling to the past?[03][00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 68 BF C9 00 2C BF C9 00]@Yes, it's natural to feel as you do.[03][00]@The only thing left is the destruction of our planet...[13][02]

@...Hmmm[10 14] ...you accept this while knowing[03][00]@that you may not be able to return to your current form,[03][00]@right?[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 CD BF C9 00 2C BF C9 00][0A 2C BF C9 00]

@...Yes... I see...[10 14][00] You have really set your mind on this...[03][00]@Let me take a good look at you now...[03][00]@[1C 02 01],[10 0F] please give me that red cap...[03][00][10 3C][00]@Ready... stand by...[03][18 04][10 01][08 82 90 C6 00][1F 07 03][1F 15 6A 00 79 02 01][1F 61][1F EB FF 06][1F 21 51][1F E5 FF][1F 15 6A 00 0E 03 01][1F 61][1F E6 6A 00][1F 00 00 B3][1F E9 6A 00][1F 61][1F 01 00][1F 15 A2 00 3B 01 FF][1F 21 68][1F E5 FF][1F EB FF 06][18 01 01]@[1C 02 01]![00] [1C 02 02]![00] [1C 02 04]![03][00]@[1C 02 03]!...[10 14] my son...[03][00]@There is no turning back now.[03][00]@[1C 02 01], activate the Phase Distorter 3 by your own[00] hand,[03][00]@thereby following your own destiny...[03][00]@Will you do so?[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 9B C1 C9 00 28 C1 C9 00][0A 28 C1 C9 00]

[05 B4 00][05 B5 00][05 85 02][05 BE 01][05 86 02][05 87 02][05 88 02][05 B6 02][05 B7 02][08 50 46 C6 00][05 F2 02][02]

@Only a few people know of your amazing courage,[03][00]@but the number of people you save through that bravery is immense.[03][00]@I feel very fortunate...[03][00]@to be present at the beginning of this monumental undertaking...[03][1F 00 00 5B][18 04][04 74 01][10 01][1F 21 5D][1F E5 FF][10 3C][1F EC FF 01][1F 15 6A 00 3C 01 01][08 B8 B4 C9 00][19 26 01][05 7E 01][05 48 01][05 4B 01][05 49 01][05 4A 01][05 4C 01][05 47 01][05 51 01][05 0B 00][1F E8 FF][02]

@...I see...[03][00]@[1C 01 34]![10 14] You do it![00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 9B C1 C9 00 5F C1 C9 00][0A 5F C1 C9 00]

@Oh, you lost your nerve...[03][00]@[1C 02 01]![10 14] It is up to you...[00][19 02]Yes[02] [19 02]No[02][1C 07 02][11][12][09 02 9B C1 C9 00 28 C1 C9 00]@Only a few people know of your amazing courage,[03][00]@but the number of people you save through that bravery is immense.[03][00]@I feel very fortunate...[03][00]@to be present at the beginning of this monumental undertaking...[03][1F 00 00 5B][18 04][04 74 01][10 01][1F 21 5D][1F E5 FF][10 3C][1F EC FF 01][1F 15 6A 00 3C 01 01][08 B8 B4 C9 00][19 26 01][05 7E 01][05 48 01][05 4B 01][05 49 01][05 4A 01][05 4C 01][05 47 01][05 51 01][05 0B 00][1F E8 FF][02]

@Yes, it's natural to feel as you do.[03][00]@The only thing left is the destruction of our planet...[13][02]

[1F 02 63][1F 15 A9 00 6C 02 01][1F 61][1F 1F A9 00 06][1F 15 62 00 08 00 01][1F E4 62 00 07][1F E4 62 00 01][1F E4 62 00 03][1F E4 62 00 05][1F E4 62 00 07][10 01][1F E4 62 00 01][10 02][1F E4 62 00 03][10 03][1F E4 62 00 05][10 04][1F E4 62 00 07][10 05][1F E4 62 00 01][10 06][1F E4 62 00 03][10 07][1F E4 62 00 05][10 08][1F E4 62 00 07][18 01 01]@Greetings![10 14] So, you are finally here![03][18 04][08 F4 15 C9 00][1F 02 25][10 5A][18 01 01]@Excellent![10 14] You are truly excellent![03][00]@There is only a little time left![10 0F] I'll give you the last power.[03][00]@I must go now...[03][18 04][1F 71 04 03][1F 1F 62 00 06][1F 02 63][1F 15 A9 00 6D 02 01][1F 61][1F 71 04 03][18 01 01]@([1C 01 4A] became conscious of PSI Starstorm _!)[1F 02 67][13][18 04][02]

[0E 01][0D 01][1B 04][1B 00][0B 05][1B 03 2B 16 C9 00][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][1B 02 25 16 C9 00][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 04 00 64][0F][0A F6 15 C9 00]


[0F][0A F6 15 C9 00]

[0D 01][1B 04][1B 00][0B 05][1B 03 2B 16 C9 00][1B 01][19 05 00 01 01][1B 02 25 16 C9 00][19 05 00 02 01][19 05 00 06 01][1B 04][1E 00 00 64][1E 04 00 64][0F][0A F6 15 C9 00]

IBNT[00] P-RNOYZ[13][18 04][0E 0E][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 D2 00][1F 21 92][02]

IBNT[00] AtPRKtD[13][18 04][0E 0E][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 D2 00][1D 0E 01 5A][1F 21 93][02]

IBNT[00] INTtK-FDUSN[13][18 04][0E 0C][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 63 00][1F 21 94][02]

IBNT[00] ONtTNTIROTK[13][18 04][0E 0C][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 21 95][02]

IBNT[00] MBRSRUZN PRMtD[13][18 04][0E 34][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 D9 00][1F 66 01 10 58 32 C9 00][1D 0E 04 AF][1F 21 A6][02]

[1F 02 63][1F 15 A9 00 3E 01 01] [1F 61][1F 1F A9 00 06][1F 15 62 00 08 00 01][19 24 62 00 01 04 00][1F E4 62 00 00][08 9F 73 C5 00][1F 12 04][1F 15 04 00 3F 01 01] [1F 61][1F E7 04 00][0A DC 73 C5 00]

[18 01 01]@Well done.[03][00]@You have made it![03][18 04][08 F4 15 C9 00][1F 02 25][10 5A][18 01 01]@We finally meet, Prince [1C 01 4A].[03][18 04][02]

[18 01 01]@The stars foretold that I would meet you here...[03][00]@So, now it's the time to show you the way of the Starstorm...[03][00]@For a while, you must live far away from your friends and live with me.[03][00]@Do you understand?[03][00]@...There's only one answer.[03][00]@I must stop you here even if you don't want to.[03][00]@Stay with me for a while, do you understand?![03][18 04][10 1E][0A 9B 32 C9 00]

[08 F6 32 C9 00][1F EA 04 00] [1F 61][1F E7 04 00][1F E4 04 00 01][08 9A 74 C5 00][1F 1F 62 00 06] [1F 02 63][1F 15 A9 00 40 01 01][1F 1F 04 00 06] [1F 15 A9 00 41 01 01][1F 61][19 26 08][05 0B 00][08 60 DE C7 00][1D 05 04 AF][1B 02 2F 99 C9 00][04 B3 02][1D 01 04 AF][02]

[1F E4 04 00 01][18 01 01]@It is important that I study and learn the <Starstorm>...[03][00]@It will be most helpful to us.[03][00]@...Once I learn it,[10 0F] I'll meet up with you, [1C 02 01].[03][00]@Trust me...[10 14] I will see you again.[03][18 04][04 11 00][02]

[18 01 01]@It depends on [1C 02 04]'s efforts. That will determine the reuniting of the group.[03][00]@Be faithful, and wait until the time comes![13][18 04][02]

[05 0B 03][08 8D DD C7 00][1B 03 2F 99 C9 00][05 F2 02][02]

[07 B4 00][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 B5 00][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 85 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 BE 01][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 86 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 87 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 88 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 A3 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 B6 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][07 B7 02][1B 03 E7 DD C7 00][02]


IBNT[00] EDNNUM[13][18 04][0E 3E][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 24 02][1F 21 A7][02]

IBNT[00] K-PINT-SN[00] HNTUNTTKI[13][18 04][0E 15][08 EC A4 C5 00][1D 0E 01 01][1F 21 77][02]

IBNT[00] TNTKSS[13][18 04][0E 29][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 8B 00][04 3C 00][1F 11 03][1D 0E 01 5A][1F 21 A8][02]

IBNT[00] MIDTGRMDUF[13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1D 0E 01 8B][1F 21 A9][02]

IBNT[00] SINIRBNNNKW[13][18 04][0E 32][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1D 0E 01 B7][04 96 00][04 11 01][04 10 00][04 8C 00][04 5B 00][1F 21 AA][02]

IBNT[00] MKyUNTKNM[13][18 04][0E 35][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1D 0E 01 AF][04 DA 00][1F 21 AB][02]

IBNT[00] GRMDUFNHITT[13][18 04][0E 2A][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 3B 00][1F 11 03][1F 21 9A][02]

[13][18 04][0E 0C][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 40 00][04 02 00][1F 66 02 11 15 88 C6 00][1F 21 AD][02]

[05 E0 01][1F D2 02][04 BB 02][02]

IBNT[00] ZeFDtSU[13][18 04][0E 1E][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1F 12 01][1F 11 08][04 D4 00][04 17 00][04 58 00][04 80 00][1D 0E 03 AC][1D 0E 03 24][1D 0E 03 4B][1F 21 B8][02]

IBNT[00] HITTKNKI[13][18 04][0E 33][08 EC A4 C5 00][04 C9 00][04 CA 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1D 0E 01 A3][1F 21 7A][02]

IBNT[00] TyGM[13][18 04][0E 3C][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 DB 00][04 9A 00][04 66 00][04 59 00][04 9B 00][04 AE 01][1D 0E 01 A4][1F 21 16][02]

IBNT[00] K-H-DSI[13][18 04][0E 23][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 21 8F][02]

IBNT[00] ZeFNYNB[13][18 04][0E 3C][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1D 0E 03 04][1D 0E 03 05][1D 0E 03 06][1D 0E 03 07][1D 0E 03 A1][1F 21 8A][02]

IBNT[00] SISyUSNTU[13][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][08 59 86 C5 00][1E 08 01 5A][1E 08 02 46][1E 08 03 46][1E 08 04 41][1F 21 D7][02]

IBNT[00] ZNBHIHI[13][18 04][0E 21][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][04 45 00][05 31 00][04 57 00][1D 0E 01 AE][1F 21 1C][02]

IBNT[00] MTNT[13][18 04][0E 21][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 21 1C][02]

IBNT[00] TTITIRKNOTR[13][18 04][0E 3D][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][1F 21 29][02]

IBNT[00] TRP-TZR[00][13][18 04][0E 2B][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][04 2A 02][04 65 02][04 66 02][1F 21 90][02]

IBNT[00] DNZyNMN[13][18 04][0E 35][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][04 18 00][1F 21 9F][1F 66 01 09 81 33 C9 00][02]

[10 14][18 01 01]@Guargh![10 14] Oh no! I... am...[03][00]@getting caught in the palm trees![10 14] Mmm... I cannot move.[03][00]@Well,[10 14] if I cannot move, it is okay.[03][00][19 10 01][0D 00]@[1C 02 00], it makes me sad,[03][00]@but I must say goodbye here,[10 14] at my eternal resting place.[03][18 04][10 14][1F 12 0A][1F 17 80 04 08 00 01][04 12 01][08 60 DE C7 00][05 F4 02][1F 02 11][05 96 02][1F E8 FF][10 14][1F 02 05][08 6B DD C7 00][1F 03][02]

IBNT[00] P-RSRWRR[13][18 04][0E 29][08 EC A4 C5 00][1D 0E 02 B8][1F 11 02][1F 11 03][1F 21 50][1F 66 01 0B 5A 95 C8 00][02]

[1F 67 01][1F 66 01 0A 66 95 C8 00][02]

[0E 01][08 7F DC C7 00][1B 02 80 95 C8 00][0E 03][08 7F DC C7 00][1B 03 5A 95 C8 00][0E 02][08 7F DC C7 00][1B 03 5A 95 C8 00][1F 07 02][10 0A][1F 01 00][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 14][1F E1 14 01 01][10 14][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 01][1F E1 14 01 01][10 01][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 01][1F 00 00 B1][10 14][1F 15 C7 01 99 02 01][10 32][1F EB 02 06][1F 12 02][1F E1 14 01 01][10 14][1F E1 1F 00 01][1F 1E 98 03 06][1F 1E 99 03 06][1F 1E A3 03 06][04 08 03][04 39 00][04 2B 02][05 52 02][10 1E][10 3C][08 7D DD C7 00][1F 02 72][10 B4][18 01 01]@Your attention please,[03][00]@would the customer from Onett,[10 0F] Mr. [1C 02 01],[03][00]@please proceed to the office on the fourth floor.[03][00]@That was customer [1C 02 01],[10 0F] 4th floor office...[03][00]@Gwaaaaaaaaagh![13][18 04][1F 67 01][1F 66 01 0C A7 96 C8 00][1D 05 02 B8][1B 02 2F 99 C9 00][04 B2 02][1D 01 02 B8][02]

[0D 01][1B 04][1B 00][1D 0D 00 01 02][1B 03 97 DC C7 00][1B 01][1D 0D 00 01 03][02]


[0E 02][08 7F DC C7 00][1B 03 5A 95 C8 00][1F 07 02][10 0A][1F 01 00][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 14][1F E1 14 01 01][10 14][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 01][1F E1 14 01 01][10 01][1F E1 1F 00 01][10 01][1F 00 00 B1][10 14][1F 15 C7 01 99 02 01][10 32][1F EB 02 06][1F 12 02][1F E1 14 01 01][10 14][1F E1 1F 00 01][1F 1E 98 03 06][1F 1E 99 03 06][1F 1E A3 03 06][04 08 03][04 39 00][04 2B 02][05 52 02][10 1E][10 3C][08 7D DD C7 00][1F 02 72][10 B4][18 01 01]@Your attention please,[03][00]@would the customer from Onett,[10 0F] Mr. [1C 02 01],[03][00]@please proceed to the office on the fourth floor.[03][00]@That was customer [1C 02 01],[10 0F] 4th floor office...[03][00]@Gwaaaaaaaaagh![13][18 04][1F 67 01][1F 66 01 0C A7 96 C8 00][1D 05 02 B8][1B 02 2F 99 C9 00][04 B2 02][1D 01 02 B8][02]

[08 6B DD C7 00][1F 03][02]

[1F 02 72][10 B4][18 01 01]@[1C 02 01],[10 0F] Customer [1C 02 01],[10 0F] please hurry to [1C 02 02]...[03][00]@Gwaaaaaaargh![13][18 04][1F 67 01][1F 66 01 0D F0 96 C8 00][02]

[1F 02 72][10 B4][18 01 01]@[1C 02 01],[10 0F] Customer [1C 02 01]...[03][00]@Gwaagh![10 14] Gwaargh!![13][18 04][1F 67 01][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN1[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 A1 B9 C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 DD][10 78][1F E5 FF][1F 02 12][10 50][1F 15 91 00 CD 02 01][1F 61][1F E7 91 00][1F F3 91 00 03][10 3C][1F F4 91][00][1F EA 91 00][1F 61][1F E7 91 00][10 78][1F 02 09][10 1E][1F 02 61][10 14][1F E4 91 00 07][10 14][1F 15 92 00 CE 02 01][1F EA 91 00][1F 61][10 3C][1F 15 28 00 CF 02 01][1F 61][1F E7 91 00][1F E7 92 00][1F E7 28 00][10 1E][08 42 F4 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(Suddenly,[00] [1C 01 08]'s mother[00] felt terribly uneasy,[14][00]@and she began to pray for the safety of her son and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN2[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 2C BA C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 DE][1F E5 FF][10 78][10 3C][1F 1A 31 04 03][10 28][1F 16 30 04 03][10 01][1F 16 32 04 03][10 0A][1F F1 33 04 D0 02][10 0A][1F 1B 31 04][1F F1 32 04 D1 02][10 1E][1F 15 BA 00 D2 02 01][10 64][1F 15 BB 00 D3 02 01][1F 61][10 1E][1F 16 30 04 05][10 14][1F E4 BB 00 03][10 08][1F E4 BB 00 05][10 0E][1F E4 BA 00 03][10 08][1F E4 BA 00 05][10 0E][1F 16 32 04 03][10 08][1F 16 32 04 05][10 3C][08 A2 F4 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(Suddenly,[00] one of the Runaway Five felt[00] something stop him,[14][00]@and he prayed fervently for the safety of [1C 01 08] and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN3[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 C7 BA C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 DF][1F E5 FF][10 78][1F 15 9B 00 D4 02 01][1F 61][1F E7 9B 00][1F F3 9B 00 03][10 3C][1F F4 9B][00][1F EA 9B 00][1F 61][10 1E][1F 15 9C 00 D5 02 01][10 1E][1F 15 7B 00 D6 02 01][10 1E][1F 15 7F 00 D7 02 01][10 1E][1F 15 80 00 D8 02 01][1F 61][10 1E][08 F6 F4 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@([1C 01 1E]'s father[00] thought he somehow heard[00] his daughter's voice,[14][00]@and prayed sincerely for the[00] safety of [1C 01 1E] and[00] her friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN4[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 38 BB C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 E0][1F E5 FF][10 78][1F 15 B6 00 D9 02 01][10 05][1F F1 58 02 DA 02][1F F1 59 02 DA 02][1F F1 5A 02 DA 02][1F F1 5B 02 DA 02][1F 61][1F E7 B6 00][1F F1 58 02 DB 02][1F F1 59 02 DC 02][1F F1 5A 02 DD 02][1F F1 5B 02 DE 02][1F 61][10 64][1F EA B6 00][10 46][1F 15 45 00 DF 02 01][1F 61][1F F2 B6 00 E0 02][1F 61][10 14][1F F1 58 02 E1 02][1F F1 59 02 E3 02][10 14][1F F1 5A 02 E2 02][10 0A][1F F2 45 00 E1 02][10 14][1F F1 5B 02 E1 02][10 14][1F F1 59 02 E1 02][1F F1 5A 02 E1 02][10 3C][08 57 F5 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(Suddenly,[00] Tony felt anxious about [1C 01 34],[14][00]@and he prayed strongly for the safety of [1C 01 34] and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN5[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 F3 BB C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 E2][1F E5 FF][10 78][1F 1A 56 04 03][10 3C][1F 1B 56 04][1F F1 56 04 E5 02][1F 61][10 32][1F 15 59 00 E6 02 01][1F 61][10 1E][1F F1 56 04 E1 02][1F F2 59 00 E1 02][10 32][1F F1 57 04 E7 02][1F 61][10 3C][08 A8 F5 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(A young woman in Dalaam woke from a dream in which Prince [1C 01 4A] died,[14][00]@and she began to pray for the well-being of [1C 01 4A] and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN6[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 56 BC C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 E3][1F E5 FF][10 78][1F 1A 26 00 03][10 3C][1F 1B 26 00][1F F1 26 00 E8 02][1F 61][10 1E][08 0D F6 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(Suddenly,[00] Frank recalled [1C 01 08]'s shining young face,[14][00]@and began to pray diligently for the safety of [1C 01 08] and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SIGNINRSN7[00][13][18 04][0E 41][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 74 01][08 96 BC C7 00][1F E8 FF][02]

[05 DC 00][05 4A 00][04 0B 00][1F EB FF 06][05 0A 02][1F 15 B8 01 F5 02 FF][1F 21 E5][1F E5 FF][1F 16 D9 02 03][1F F1 D9 02 0A 00][10 B4][1F 17 E5 02 EA 02 04][10 B4][1F F1 D9 02 08 00][10 09][1F 16 DF 02 03][10 01][1F F1 DF 02 08 00][10 78][10 1E][1F 17 D8 02 EB 02 01][1F 17 D7 02 ED 02 01][1F 61][10 1E][1F 1A D9 02 03][1F 1A D7 02 03][1F 1A D8 02 03][10 3C][1F 1B D9 02][1F 1B D7 02][1F 1B D8 02][1F F1 D9 02 F3 02][1F F1 D7 02 F3 02][10 03][1F F1 D8 02 F3 02][10 46][1F F1 D9 02 F4 02][1F F1 D8 02 EC 02][1F F1 DF 02 EE 02][1F 61][1F 15 AB 00 EF 02 01][1F 15 AB 00 F0 02 01][1F 15 AB 00 F1 02 01][1F 15 AB 00 F2 02 01][1F 61][1F F1 D9 02 E1 02][10 1E][1F F1 D7 02 E1 02][10 28][1F F1 D8 02 E1 02][10 32][08 6F F6 C9 00][04 0A 02][1F 61][1F EC FF 01][05 0B 00][04 DC 00][04 4A 00][02]

[18 01 01]@(All of the Mr. Saturns felt a new, startling feeling[14][00]@they had never experienced before,[14][00]@and they all started praying for the safety of [1C 01 08] and his friends.)[10 96][18 04][02]

IBNT[00] SKIUo-K-3[13][18 04][0E 2C][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 03][1F 11 02][04 B8 00][05 EC 02][1F 21 7D][02]

IBNT[00] HKBTKN[13][18 04][0E 32][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 26 A5 C5 00][04 96 00][04 11 01][04 10 00][1F 21 1F][02]

IBNT[00] ST-MNNMSK[13][18 04][0E 0B][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 05][1F 11 06][1F 21 73][1F 66 01 2B 01 75 C6 00][02]

[1F 00 00 7C][1F 15 2F 01 6E 02 01][1F 61][10 1E][18 01 01][1F 00 00 9B]@It's been a long time,[10 0F][00] Buzz Buzz. [03][00]@You've been successful at foiling Master Giygas' plans.[03][00]@But...[10 14] Buzz Buzz,[10 0F] you must now surrender.[03][00]@You're no longer a hero,[10 0F] but just a useless insect.[03][00]@I'll stomp you hard![03][00][18 04][08 B4 85 C6 00][1B 03 DE 83 C6 00][10 01][1F F2 2F 01 7B 02][10 3C][1F EA 5B 01][18 01 01]@Whew!...[10 14] I was taking a big chance there...[03][00]@He came from 10 years in the future to kill me,[10 0F] so we can't relax yet![03][00]@From now on,[10 0F] you'll be fighting enemies sent by Giygas,[03][00]@as well as humans who have evil thoughts.[03][00]@They'll definitely make trouble during your adventure![03][00]@Animals are also becoming violent[03][00]@due to Giygas' influence over the evil in their minds![03][00]@It is the truth,[10 0F] so listen![13][18 04][02]

[18 04][1F 23 DA 01][02]


IBNT[00] 3HTDK[13][18 04][0E 0B][08 EC A4 C5 00][08 FA C7 C9 00][02]

[1F 12 02][1F 41 0F][1F 41 05][04 FB 02][04 27 01][04 D4 01][04 D5 01][04 D8 01][04 D9 01][04 DC 01][04 01 02][04 12 02][04 ED 02][04 EE 02][04 25 03][1F 15 6A 00 79 02 01][1F 61][10 01][1F EB FF 06][1F 21 51][10 B4][1F 15 B5 01 0B 03 FF][1F 21 C4][1F E6 FF 00][10 01][1F 1F B5 01 06][1F EC FF 01][10 01][04 07 03][04 0B 00][02]

IBNT[00] G-GWTOSTAT[13][18 04][0E 42][08 EC A4 C5 00][1F 11 02][1F 21 D8][02]

@Choose what hint number. [00] [1F 52 02][12][1B 03 4A 8E C5 00]@YMMST[03][00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[0D 00]@[1C 0A 00 00 00 00]BNNMtS-ZW[00] HyUZSMS[00][03][00][08 00 00 C7 00][00][0A 31 8E C5 00]

[09 50 11 05 C7 00 8D 05 C7 00 E4 05 C7 00 2A 06 C7 00 88 06 C7 00 11 07 C7 00 89 07 C7 00 68 08 C7 00 DD 08 C7 00 43 09 C7 00 E8 09 C7 00 4C 0A C7 00 B5 0A C7 00 17 0B C7 00 59 0B C7 00 C4 0B C7 00 FF 0B C7 00 4D 0C C7 00 8D 0C C7 00 2F 0D C7 00 5F 0D C7 00 B0 0D C7 00 B6 0D C7 00 26 0E C7 00 61 0E C7 00 95 0E C7 00 16 0F C7 00 5D 10 C7 00 BB 10 C7 00 40 11 C7 00 7E 11 C7 00 08 12 C7 00 95 12 C7 00 E3 12 C7 00 EC 12 C7 00 CB 13 C7 00 35 14 C7 00 2C 15 C7 00 B7 15 C7 00 2B 16 C7 00 77 16 C7 00 B7 16 C7 00 5B 17 C7 00 BC 17 C7 00 08 18 C7 00 37 18 C7 00 8E 18 C7 00 E0 18 C7 00 2C 19 C7 00 73 19 C7 00 D7 19 C7 00 14 1A C7 00 67 1A C7 00 F0 1A C7 00 3F 1B C7 00 AA 1B C7 00 E2 1B C7 00 AD 1C C7 00 08 1D C7 00 65 1D C7 00 D2 1D C7 00 A1 1E C7 00 FB 1E C7 00 21 1F C7 00 78 1F C7 00 B8 1F C7 00 26 20 C7 00 39 21 C7 00 D9 21 C7 00 05 22 C7 00 58 22 C7 00 96 22 C7 00 C1 22 C7 00 48 23 C7 00 98 23 C7 00 6A 24 C7 00 AB 24 C7 00 D7 24 C7 00 2B 25 C7 00 9F 25 C7 00][13][02]

@It seems that the citizens of Onett have been harassed[03][00]@by those dang street punks called the Sharks.[03][00]@I wonder if going and talking to Frank,[03][00]@the leader of the Sharks, would do any good?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[03][01]@That's it for today.[13][02]

@So, have you met B. H. Pirkle, the mayor of Onett?[03][00]@Mayor Pirkle's office is on the second floor of Onett City Hall.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Go northwest.[03][00]@A traveling entertainer is having some trouble getting into a locked shack...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@You're on your way to Giant Step, aren't you?[03][00]@Just be careful, the police are pretty touchy about people,[03][00]@not to mention kids, going up there...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@The police were here looking for you. Did you do something illegal?[03][00]@Head south on the street in front of my shop. You'll find the Onett Police Station.[03][00]@I think it's best if you turn yourself in... no matter what you may have done.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you heard of a girl named [1C 02 02]?[03][00]@She lives in Twoson, the town next to Onett...[03][00]@They say she has some pretty spectacular supernatural powers.[03][00]@You can get to Twoson by heading south.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you been to Apple Kid and Orange Kid's houses?[03][00]@Their places are south of the Polestar Preschool.[03][00]@They are great inventors ...to be.[03][00]@They need some financial help.[03][00]@If you help them ...later,[03][00]@for sure,[03][00]@without fail,[03][00]@certainly,[03][00]@something wonderful will happen.[03][00]@Believe me, this hint is worth a lot more than you paid.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@If you go east from the bus stop,[03][00]@you will enter the Peaceful Rest Valley.[03][00]@If you keep going east, you will come to Happy Happy Village.[03][00]@You should maybe go there, unless you have something better to do?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@You got a call from Apple Kid on your Receiver phone?[03][00]@What are you doing here, so far away from his home?[03][00]@I can't give you any hints, but I'll keep your $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you spoken to Everdred in Burglin Park?[00][08 4F DD C7 00][11][12][09 02 AC 09 C7 00 74 09 C7 00]@Well, well, well... That's not good.[03][00]@You really should take the time out to meet Everdred.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@What? You DID talk to him? So, why are you here?[03][00]@Go back to the Peaceful Rest Valley.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Well, well, well... That's not good.[03][00]@You really should take the time out to meet Everdred.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you been to the Happy Happyism headquarters[03][00]@at the center of Happy Happy village?[03][00]@Do you want to go there?[03][00]@Or not?[03][00]@What?[03][00]@Why can't you make up your mind![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Do you remember seeing a litte mountain cabin on the way[03][00]@through the Peaceful Rest Valley?[03][00]@There must be a cave in the Happy Happy village that leads to that cabin.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@This is my business, so I'm happy to have customers.[03][00]@But, don't you know this is a crisis?[10 14] You shouldn't be wasting time here.@Anyway, I'll keep your $[1C 0A 00 00 00 00].[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@You know that [1C 02 02] is in the mountain cabin, right?[03][00]@By rescuing her, you actually rescue yourself.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@[1C 02 02]'s father at the Polestar Preschool must be really worried.[03][00]@You should be considerate of a father's feelings toward his daughter.[03][00]@He's only human, y'know![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Go and see Everdred, the boss of Burglin Park.[03][00]@Just trust me... you go see him.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@The Runaway Five, the band at the Chaos theater, is up to their eyes in debt.[03][00]@Could anyone pay off their debt for them?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@I don't think there is anything else you need to do in this town.[03][00]@It's okay of you stay, but it's really okay if you leave...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@There's a tunnel northwest of this town.[03][00]@There are two guard zombies that hang out at the entrance.[03][00]@They are actually pretty nice guys...[03][00]@It might be a good idea to meet those guys...[03][00]@But it's quite all right if you don't...[03][00]@Though I think that you really ought to go there.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@So, how are you doin', kid?[03][00]@If you're tired, you should go to the hotel and rest.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Do you know about that mysterious tent that appeared[03][00]@at the south end of town?[03][00]@I don't know, but...[00] it looks kinda...[00] strange...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[08 20 26 C7 00][02]

[08 B2 26 C7 00]@I'd love to give you a hint, but I can't think of even one.[03][00]@I'm sorry.[00] I'll return your money.[1D 08 00 00][1F 02 74][18 0A][13][05 08 00][02]

@Now wait a minute, youngster![03][00][02]

@<Zombie Paper only works well in a tent.>[03][00]@<After you set the paper in a tent, go to the hotel and put your dogs up.>[03][00]@What, didn't you read the Zombie paper instructions?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@There's an underground path northwest of this town.[03][00]@Those guard zombies should be gone now.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@|Saturn Valley is very nice![00] You should go[00] at least once or twice|[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@It seems like you don't know what to do in Saturn Valley.[03][00]@The Mr. Saturn on the second floor of the cave should be able to tell you[03][00]@a password to get you into the secret base.[03][00]@Now that sounds like some handy info![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Mr. Saturn must have told you to wait for three minutes in front of the waterfall.[03][00]@What? You don't know where the waterfall is?[03][00]@The waterfall is actually named Grapefruit Falls.[03][00]@After you exit the tunnel that begins in the Threed graveyard,[03][00]@go to the north.[03][00]@You certainly know about the cave to Saturn Valley that is then on your right.[03][00]@But...[00] You should not go in that cave.[03][00]@Keep going straight north.[03][00]@You'll eventually come to the Grapefruit Falls.[03][00]@Then, wait patiently for three minutes.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[06 57 00 BB 10 C7 00]@Oh, you've forgotten to get something really important.[03][00]@Be sure to check the garbage can that is left behind by the Boogey Tent.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@How about this for some extra special help--I'll teach you[03][00]@some great tactics for dealing with Belch.[03][00]@Belch really loves Fly Honey, from what I've heard.[03][00]@Therefore, you should use the Fly Honey during battle.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@In the middle of Dusty Dunes Desert, there is someone who's starving.[03][00]@...I just sense it.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@At the Topolla Theater in Fourside,[03][00]@the Runaway Five have booked a series of gigs.[03][00]@This is just a rumor, but I hear that they've been snowed again[03][00]@and are in some kind of trouble.[03][00]@So... If I were you, I'd go and talk with them.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[07 89 00][1B 02 40 11 C7 00]@At the Topolla Theater, the Runaway Five have booked a series of gigs.[03][00]@This is just a rumor, but I hear that they've been snowed again[03][00]@and are in some kind of trouble.[03][00]@So... If I were you, I'd go and talk with them.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[07 89 00][1B 02 40 11 C7 00]@If you happen to get weak, you should just go to sleep. This is basic.[03][00]@That way, you can recover your strength.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[07 89 00][1B 02 40 11 C7 00]@The Runaway Five, who are now appearing at the Topolla Theater,[03][00]@got stuck again because of financial problems.[03][00]@To help them, a tremendous amount of money will be needed.[03][00]@Hey, talking about a tremendous amount of money,[03][00]@do you know about the Dusty Dunes Desert?[03][00]@You should head to the desert to look for buried treasure.[03][00]@It would be fabulous if you found it![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@The Runaway Five, who are now appearing at the Topolla Theater,[03][00]@got stuck again because of financial problems.[03][00]@To help them, a tremendous amount of money will be needed.[03][00]@Hey, talking about a tremendous amount of money,[03][00]@do you know about the Dusty Dunes Desert?[03][00]@You should head to the desert to look for buried treasure.[03][00]@It would be fabulous if you found it![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you told the treasure hunter in the desert that you beat five bosses?[03][00]@I used to be a businessman, and I can tell you from experience.[03][00]@Reporting is crucial.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@So, have you been out taking any walks lately?[03][00]@Walking is great.[03][00]@You know, it's not good for you[03][00]@to always be riding the bus 'cause it's way too easy.[03][00]@Walk down the road between Dusty Dunes Desert and Fourside.[03][00]@Especially be sure to walk across the bridge.[03][00]@There's nothing quite as exciting as walking across a bridge[03][00]@when you don't know the train schedule...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@It's such a pity...[03][00]@The Runaway Five have managed to get stuck at the Topolla Theater[03][00]@because of their debt problems.[03][00]@Why don't you go and talk to Miss Fake, the manager of the theater?[03][00]@That diamond you're carrying should come in handy.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@The department store in Fourside has reopened after being renovated.[03][00]@People say that they have a good variety of things,[03][00]@but the prices are a little bit high.[03][00]@Have you been there yet?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Well...[00] I'm not exactly sure, but it seems to me that...[03][00]@the top floor of the department store is kind of suspicious...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Have you been to Jackie's Cafe?[03][00]@It's not difficult to find... the sign says <Cafe.>[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@These days, young people seem to be so indifferent[03][00]@to what's happening in the real world.[03][00]@It's disappointing that you seem to be indifferent about the real world, too.[03][00]@For example, if you see someone lying in the street,[03][00]@don't you think that you should really stop and try to help him?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Did you go back to Jackie's Cafe?[03][00]@There seems to be something mighty suspicious behind the counter...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@You should be able to find something out at the Monkey Cave[03][00]@in the Dusty Dunes Desert.[03][00]@That's what I say... on to the desert![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@The maid out front of the Monotoli Building[03][00]@is waiting for the [1C 05 8B].[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@I heard that you were asked to dinner[03][00]@by the cute maid at the Monotoli Building.[03][00]@Lucky you! I envy kids like you... but just a bit.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@It was a while ago, but I heard that a silver flying contraption of some sort [03][00]@crash landed in the graveyard in Threed.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@In Winters, you've been to the cave north of Stonehenge, right?[03][00]@I would bet it's one of <Your Sanctuary.>[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Do you remember that Dr. Andonuts had the sky runner?[03][00]@What do you say to your going and giving it a whirl?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@You need to make a reservation by phone to go to the Stoic Club.[03][00]@Someone in Toto, the port town next to Summers,[03][00]@should know the phone number.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Try placing a call to[00] the Strip... ooops! sorry,[00] I mean the Stoic Club.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@After you get into the Stoic Club,[03][00]@be sure to talk to the man with the mustache at the back table.[03][00]@This is a pretty important hint.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@People say that there is a Magic cake vendor[03][00]@on the pavement by the beach in the resort of Summers.[03][00]@Oh yeah, <Pavement> means <sidewalk.>[03][00]@Well, I was just testing you...[03][00]@Are you angry?[00] I didn't mean it... sorry![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Scaraba Cultural Museum...[03][00]@Scaraba Cultural Museum...[03][00]@Scaraba Cultural Museum...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Did you go to the second floor of the Scaraba Cultural Museum in Summers?[03][00]@If you are lucky... you'll get to see the hieroglyph.[03][00]@...Yeah, you sure would be lucky.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@If you want to sail across the ocean, who better than to ask but a sailor?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[06 BA 00 9F 25 C7 00][06 3A 00 2B 25 C7 00][06 5B 00 D7 24 C7 00][06 8C 00 AB 24 C7 00]@At the Dinosaur Museum in Fourside...[03][00]@A man called called Mr. Spoon has a heavy mustache...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@If you have the Carrot Key, [03][00]@you should go to Dalaam and give it to the bunny at Pink Cloud.[03][00]@If you don't have the Carrot Key, you should go to Magnet Hill.[03][00]@You should be able to find the Carrot Key there.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Heck, since the door to the sewer is open,[03][00]@why not go all the way inside and look around?[03][00]@I know the stink and the vermin could overpower you,[03][00]@but it might make you tougher, too.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@An autograph with a banana![00] I mean,[00] A banana with an autograph![03][00]@You'd better get this to Mr. Spoon right away![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@If you want to meet Venus, you should go backstage at the Topolla Theater.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00][07 94 00][1B 02 3F 1B C7 00]@After you've made all the necessary preparations, go to the pyramid.[03][00]@In front of the pyramid, as the writing on the hieroglyph told,[03][00]@step on the round stone plates in front of the sphinx, and draw a star.[03][00]@That was really too much info to give out as a hint, wasn't it?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Deep in the pyramid, there is an item called the [1C 05 AF], or so I've heard.[03][00]@You shouldn't exit the pyramid unless you have[00] the [1C 05 AF].[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@I don't know if he's an enemy of yours or not, but[03][00]@the guy called <Dungeon Man> seems to be waiting for you.[03][00]@Have you already met him before this?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@There is a broken submarine in the Dungeon Man's tummy.[03][00]@Once the submarine gets fixed, you can go to the Deep Darkness.[03][00]@Uhhh... maybe...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@If you need to brighten up a dark street you use...[03][00]@Yep, that's right! A flashlight![03][00]@Oh... you don't have one? Actually, I knew that you didn't.[03][00]@Well, what comes in handy is something that you, y'know,[03][00]@picked up in, y'know, the pyramid...[03][00]@I forgot the name... It's that whatchyamacallit... ohhh... crud![08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@It's tough, but you have to keep pressing on through the Deep Darkness.[03][00]@That way, you'll find the village of the Tenda.[03][00]@Don't give up yet.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Apple...[03][00]@Winters...[03][00]@Andonuts...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@The Pencil Eraser makes pencil-shaped stuff disappear.[03][00]@What do you think the Eraser Eraser machine does?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@It looks like Apple Kid is trapped deep, deep, deep in the Stonehenge enemy base.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Well, usually you find books at the library.[03][00]@One who goes to the the fishmonger and expects[03][00]@to find books is likely to get very embarrassed indeed.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@To correct shyness, you should let that person read a self-help book.[03][00]@<Overcoming Shyness> is probably the best... It was a best-seller, y'know.[03][00]@If a whole group is shy, the leader of the group should read the book on shyness[03][00]@to all the group members, and the whole group may get over shyness.[03][00]@Though at least a part will certainly stop being shy.[03][00]@So, how many times did I use the word <shy>?...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Oh, heeey![03][00]@Have you have you spoken with like, the Tenda[03][00]@deep in the cute, little Tenda village?[03][00]@Oh... my... gosh...[00] Really???[03][00]@Are you like, really serious???[03][00]@I sound like a y'know, teenage girl?[03][00]@Do you like the way I talk now?[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@There is a very important place under the Tenda Village.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Do you know about the talking rock in the Lost Underworld?[03][00]@You should listen to what the rock has to say and then put it into practice.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1B 02 4E 24 C7 00]@Do you know that talking rock in the Lost Underworld?[03][00]@You should listen to what the rock has to say.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@Maybe ...[00] where you should visit is[03][00]@Saturn Valley...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@A very special substance is necessary to complete the Phase Distorter.[03][00]@You know, I wonder if the site in Onett[03][00]@where the meteorite landed has something to do with this?[03][00]@I say, go there and check out the site.[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

@I have no more hints for you.[03][00]@You've done such a good job to this point.[03][00]@From here on out...[03][00]@Trust your judgement, and also your luck.[13][02]

@Well, I want to thank you for all the times[03][00]@that you used the hint shop. It's been a while since I first saw you...[03][00]@This is my final day in business.[03][00]@[10 0A]..[10 0A]..[10 0A]..[10 0A]..[10 1E]..[03][00]@Well, so long kid,[00] No, no... Master [1C 02 01].[03][00]@See you again,[00] if fate allows it.[13][02]

@At the Dinosaur Museum in Fourside...[03][00]@A man called called Mr. Spoon has a heavy mustache...[08 CB 26 C7 00][02]

[1F 52 02][12][1B 03 4A 8E C5 00]@YMMST[03][00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[18 02][1C 04][18 0A][18 01 25][19 02]BGM[02][19 02]SE[02][19 02]Effect[02][1C 0C 01][11][1B 05][18 00][18 03 01][1B 06][09 03 46 8D C5 00 70 8D C5 00 96 8D C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[01]@Choose Music. [00] [1F 52 03][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 00 00 00][0A 58 8D C5 00]

[1F 52 03][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 00 00 00][0A 58 8D C5 00]

[01]@Choose SoundE[00] [1F 52 03][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 02 00][0A 80 8D C5 00]

[1F 52 03][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 02 00][0A 80 8D C5 00]

[01]@Choose Effect. [00] [1F 52 02][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 07 00][0A A9 8D C5 00]

[1F 52 02][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04][1F 07 00][0A A9 8D C5 00]

@Choose Item.[00] [1F 52 03][12][1B 02 00 80 C5 00][1B 04]@[1C 05 00]N[00] STMIDS.[03][18 06][18 07 00 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C4 39 C5 00][18 07 01 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 11 37 C5 00][18 07 02 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 50 37 C5 00][18 07 03 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 61 37 C5 00][18 07 04 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 72 37 C5 00][18 07 05 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 BC 37 C5 00][18 07 06 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 09 38 C5 00][18 07 07 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 2A 38 C5 00][18 07 08 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 4D 38 C5 00][18 07 09 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 70 38 C5 00][18 07 0A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 97 38 C5 00][18 07 0B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 BC 38 C5 00][18 07 0C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E0 38 C5 00][18 07 0D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 08 39 C5 00][18 07 0E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 29 39 C5 00][18 07 0F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 60 39 C5 00][18 07 10 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8E 39 C5 00][18 07 11 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C4 39 C5 00][18 07 12 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D4 39 C5 00][18 07 13 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E4 39 C5 00][18 07 14 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F4 39 C5 00][18 07 15 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 04 3A C5 00][18 07 16 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 14 3A C5 00][18 07 17 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 47 3A C5 00][18 07 18 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 57 3A C5 00][18 07 19 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 67 3A C5 00][18 07 1A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 77 3A C5 00][18 07 1B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9F 3A C5 00][18 07 1C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E6 3A C5 00][18 07 1D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F6 3A C5 00][18 07 1E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 06 3B C5 00][18 07 1F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 16 3B C5 00][18 07 20 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 26 3B C5 00][18 07 21 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 36 3B C5 00][18 07 22 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 3B C5 00][18 07 23 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 56 3B C5 00][18 07 24 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 76 3B C5 00][18 07 25 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 86 3B C5 00][18 07 26 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 96 3B C5 00][18 07 27 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A6 3B C5 00][18 07 28 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B6 3B C5 00][18 07 29 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C6 3B C5 00][18 07 2A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D6 3B C5 00][18 07 2B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E6 3B C5 00][18 07 2C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F6 3B C5 00][18 07 2D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 06 3C C5 00][18 07 2E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 16 3C C5 00][18 07 2F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 26 3C C5 00][18 07 30 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 36 3C C5 00][18 07 31 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 3C C5 00][18 07 32 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 5F 3C C5 00][18 07 33 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 7A 3C C5 00][18 07 34 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 95 3C C5 00][18 07 35 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 AF 3C C5 00][18 07 36 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C8 3C C5 00][18 07 37 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D8 3C C5 00][18 07 38 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 00 3D C5 00][18 07 39 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 21 3D C5 00][18 07 3A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 3D C5 00][18 07 3B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6A 3D C5 00][18 07 3C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8F 3D C5 00][18 07 3D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B8 3D C5 00][18 07 3E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E8 3D C5 00][18 07 3F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 23 3E C5 00][18 07 40 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 4F 3E C5 00][18 07 41 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 5F 3E C5 00][18 07 42 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6F 3E C5 00][18 07 43 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 7F 3E C5 00][18 07 44 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8F 3E C5 00][18 07 45 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9F 3E C5 00][18 07 46 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 AF 3E C5 00][18 07 47 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C6 3E C5 00][18 07 48 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DD 3E C5 00][18 07 49 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F4 3E C5 00][18 07 4A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 58 3F C5 00][18 07 4B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 89 3F C5 00][18 07 4C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C9 3F C5 00][18 07 4D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 0A 40 C5 00][18 07 4E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 55 40 C5 00][18 07 4F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 65 40 C5 00][18 07 50 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 75 40 C5 00][18 07 51 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 85 40 C5 00][18 07 52 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 95 40 C5 00][18 07 53 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A5 40 C5 00][18 07 54 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B5 40 C5 00][18 07 55 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C5 40 C5 00][18 07 56 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D5 40 C5 00][18 07 57 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E5 40 C5 00][18 07 58 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 06 41 C5 00][18 07 59 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 1C 41 C5 00][18 07 5A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 33 41 C5 00][18 07 5B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 56 41 C5 00][18 07 5C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6D 41 C5 00][18 07 5D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 97 41 C5 00][18 07 5E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CB 41 C5 00][18 07 5F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 21 43 C5 00][18 07 60 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 39 43 C5 00][18 07 61 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A4 43 C5 00][18 07 62 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DA 43 C5 00][18 07 63 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F5 43 C5 00][18 07 64 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 51 44 C5 00][18 07 65 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 71 44 C5 00][18 07 66 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 AF 44 C5 00][18 07 67 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C6 44 C5 00][18 07 68 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DD 44 C5 00][18 07 69 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 3E 45 C5 00][18 07 6A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A1 45 C5 00][18 07 6B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B7 45 C5 00][18 07 6C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 60 46 C5 00][18 07 6D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 BC 46 C5 00][18 07 6E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 33 47 C5 00][18 07 6F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 5A 47 C5 00][18 07 70 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 89 47 C5 00][18 07 71 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B0 47 C5 00][18 07 72 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CB 47 C5 00][18 07 73 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E8 47 C5 00][18 07 74 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 06 48 C5 00][18 07 75 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 26 48 C5 00][18 07 76 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 42 48 C5 00][18 07 77 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 52 48 C5 00][18 07 78 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 62 48 C5 00][18 07 79 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 72 48 C5 00][18 07 7A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 82 48 C5 00][18 07 7B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 92 48 C5 00][18 07 7C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A2 48 C5 00][18 07 7D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B2 48 C5 00][18 07 7E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FC 48 C5 00][18 07 7F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 52 49 C5 00][18 07 80 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 79 49 C5 00][18 07 81 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C3 49 C5 00][18 07 82 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FF 49 C5 00][18 07 83 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 3A 4A C5 00][18 07 84 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6C 4A C5 00][18 07 85 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A1 4A C5 00][18 07 86 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F5 4A C5 00][18 07 87 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 67 4B C5 00][18 07 88 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B0 4B C5 00][18 07 89 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FA 4B C5 00][18 07 8A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 32 4C C5 00][18 07 8B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6D 4C C5 00][18 07 8C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 EB 4C C5 00][18 07 8D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 10 4D C5 00][18 07 8E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 99 4D C5 00][18 07 8F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DC 4D C5 00][18 07 90 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 01 4E C5 00][18 07 91 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 20 4E C5 00][18 07 92 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 54 4E C5 00][18 07 93 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A7 4E C5 00][18 07 94 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F7 4E C5 00][18 07 95 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6A 4F C5 00][18 07 96 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A2 4F C5 00][18 07 97 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F0 4F C5 00][18 07 98 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 57 50 C5 00][18 07 99 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9E 50 C5 00][18 07 9A 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E3 50 C5 00][18 07 9B 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 05 51 C5 00][18 07 9C 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 4F 51 C5 00][18 07 9D 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9F 51 C5 00][18 07 9E 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CD 51 C5 00][18 07 9F 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 EA 51 C5 00][18 07 A0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 30 52 C5 00][18 07 A1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8D 52 C5 00][18 07 A2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C4 52 C5 00][18 07 A3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D7 53 C5 00][18 07 A4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 09 54 C5 00][18 07 A5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 33 54 C5 00][18 07 A6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6C 54 C5 00][18 07 A7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 96 54 C5 00][18 07 A8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B3 54 C5 00][18 07 A9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CF 54 C5 00][18 07 AA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F6 54 C5 00][18 07 AB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 1D 55 C5 00][18 07 AC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 55 C5 00][18 07 AD 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8A 55 C5 00][18 07 AE 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B8 55 C5 00][18 07 AF 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 02 56 C5 00][18 07 B0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 27 56 C5 00][18 07 B1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6B 56 C5 00][18 07 B2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9C 56 C5 00][18 07 B3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C1 56 C5 00][18 07 B4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E3 56 C5 00][18 07 B5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 0B 57 C5 00][18 07 B6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 40 57 C5 00][18 07 B7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 6A 57 C5 00][18 07 B8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 94 57 C5 00][18 07 B9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E7 57 C5 00][18 07 BA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 31 58 C5 00][18 07 BB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 7E 58 C5 00][18 07 BC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 97 58 C5 00][18 07 BD 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CA 58 C5 00][18 07 BE 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 15 59 C5 00][18 07 BF 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 2C 59 C5 00][18 07 C0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 43 59 C5 00][18 07 C1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 57 59 C5 00][18 07 C2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A8 59 C5 00][18 07 C3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D9 59 C5 00][18 07 C4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D5 5A C5 00][18 07 C5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 21 5B C5 00][18 07 C6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 79 5B C5 00][18 07 C7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C1 5B C5 00][18 07 C8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 03 5C C5 00][18 07 C9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 5C C5 00][18 07 CA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CE 5C C5 00][18 07 CB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 2E 5D C5 00][18 07 CC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 46 5D C5 00][18 07 CD 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 82 5D C5 00][18 07 CE 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A1 5D C5 00][18 07 CF 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C8 5D C5 00][18 07 D0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 E0 5D C5 00][18 07 D1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FE 5D C5 00][18 07 D2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 28 5E C5 00][18 07 D3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 77 5E C5 00][18 07 D4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 AB 5E C5 00][18 07 D5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 BB 5E C5 00][18 07 D6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F6 5E C5 00][18 07 D7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 06 5F C5 00][18 07 D8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 16 5F C5 00][18 07 D9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9F 3E C5 00][18 07 DA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 36 5F C5 00][18 07 DB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 5D 5F C5 00][18 07 DC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 84 5F C5 00][18 07 DD 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 CC 5F C5 00][18 07 DE 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DC 5F C5 00][18 07 DF 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 EC 5F C5 00][18 07 E0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 11 60 C5 00][18 07 E1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 54 60 C5 00][18 07 E2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 97 60 C5 00][18 07 E3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D3 60 C5 00][18 07 E4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 0F 61 C5 00][18 07 E5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 4B 61 C5 00][18 07 E6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 87 61 C5 00][18 07 E7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 C3 61 C5 00][18 07 E8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FF 61 C5 00][18 07 E9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 30 62 C5 00][18 07 EA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 53 62 C5 00][18 07 EB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9B 62 C5 00][18 07 EC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DD 62 C5 00][18 07 ED 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 0A 63 C5 00][18 07 EE 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 A9 63 C5 00][18 07 EF 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 17 64 C5 00][18 07 F0 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 5D 64 C5 00][18 07 F1 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D1 64 C5 00][18 07 F2 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 FF 64 C5 00][18 07 F3 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 BC 65 C5 00][18 07 F4 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 D4 65 C5 00][18 07 F5 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 B7 66 C5 00][18 07 F6 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 8D 67 C5 00][18 07 F7 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 DC 67 C5 00][18 07 F8 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 F4 67 C5 00][18 07 F9 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 04 68 C5 00][18 07 FA 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 2E 68 C5 00][18 07 FB 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 7B 68 C5 00][18 07 FC 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 92 68 C5 00][18 07 FD 00 00 00 01][1F C0 01 9F 68 C5 00][00][18 07 FE 00 00 00 01][1B 02 7F A5 C5 00]@GtZNSIDITH[00] [1C 0A FD 00 00 00]DS.[03][0A 7F A5 C5 00]

[01] <[1C 05 11]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

@[1C 02 01][0A B2 6B C5 00]

can equip this weapon.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 01]>[03][00]@By keeping it as one of your items,[03][00]@it deflects a lightning attack back at the attacker.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 02]>[03][00]@[08 5D 6B C5 00][13][02]

A cute teddy bear![02]

[01] <[1C 05 03]>[03][00]@[08 5D 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 04]>[03][00]@There's no way of knowing its original use.[03][00]@It's just some kind of broken gadget.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

@That genius [1C 02 03] should be able to fix it sometime.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 05]>[03][00]@There's no way of knowing its original use.[03][00]@It's just some kind of broken mechanism.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 06]>[03][00]@A broken air gun.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 07]>[03][00]@A broken spray can.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 08]>[03][00]@A broken laser gun.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 09]>[03][00]@A contraption that looks like an iron.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0A]>[03][00]@It looks like a busted water pipe.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0B]>[03][00]@A broken beam cannon.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0C]>[03][00]@A broken tube-shaped item.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0D]>[03][00]@A broken bazooka.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0E]>[03][00]@A broken apparatus that is shaped like a trumpet.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 0F]>[03][00]@A broken device that looks like a harmonica.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 10]>[03][00]@A piece of broken equipment that looks like a satellite dish.[03][00][08 6F 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 12]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 13]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 14]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 15]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 16]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][03][00]@This item looks like it could have had cork put into the core![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 17]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 18]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 19]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 1A]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][03][00]@When equipped, it increases your guts.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 1B]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][03][00]@You can't help but swing this bat with all your might.[03][00]@There's a good chance that you may just whiff.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 1C]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

@[1C 02 02][0A B2 6B C5 00]

[01] <[1C 05 1D]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 1E]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 1F]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 20]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 21]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 22]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 23]>[03][00][08 A9 6B C5 00][03][00]@It increases your offense.[13][02]

@[1C 02 04][0A B2 6B C5 00]

[01] <[1C 05 24]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

@[1C 02 03][0A B2 6B C5 00]

[01] <[1C 05 25]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 26]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 27]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 28]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 29]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2A]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2B]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2C]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2D]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2E]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 2F]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 30]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 31]>[03][00]@A so-so weapon.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 32]>[03][00]@A decent little weapon.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 33]>[03][00]@A pretty powerful weapon.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 34]>[03][00]@A tough, strong weapon![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 35]>[03][00]@This one rocks, for sure.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 36]>[03][00][08 C0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from paralysis attacks.[02]

@Must be equipped on your body.[03][00][02]

[01] <[1C 05 37]>[03][00][08 C0 6B C5 00][03][00]@Also, it adds a bit of Speed.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 38]>[03][00][08 C0 6B C5 00][03][00]@It also increases your Speed.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 39]>[03][00][08 C0 6B C5 00][03][00]@It increases your Speed in a big way.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3A]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from fire attacks.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3B]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from freeze attacks.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3C]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It absorbs the light of a flash attack.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3D]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from fire, freeze and flash attacks.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3E]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from fire, freeze, flash and paralysis attacks.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 3F]>[03][00]@[1C 02 04]'s body equipment.[03][00]@It increases his Defense.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 40]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

@Must be equipped on your arm.[03][00]@It increases your Defense.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 41]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 42]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 43]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 44]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 45]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 46]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][03][00][08 16 6C C5 00][13][02]

@Helps keep you from being hypnotized, and it also increases your Luck.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 47]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][03][00][08 16 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 48]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][03][00][08 16 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 49]>[03][00]@To be equipped on[00] [1C 02 04]'s arm.[03][00]@Helps protect from being hypnotized, and Luck goes up.[03][00]@Of course, Defense also goes up.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 4A]>[03][00][08 40 6C C5 00][03][00]@It has the logo of your favorite baseball team.[13][02]

@Must be equipped as <other.>[02]

[01] <[1C 05 4B]>[03][00][08 40 6C C5 00][03][00]@It makes you feel like the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, when equipped.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 4C]>[03][00][08 40 6C C5 00][03][00]@It is said to have been given to your friend by a famous player at the ballpark.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 4D]>[03][00][08 40 6C C5 00][03][00]@Should be worn when searching for buried treasure,[03][00]@or while you are at the construction site.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 4E]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][13][02]

@Miscellaneous equipment that can only be used by [1C 02 02].[02]

[01] <[1C 05 4F]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 50]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 51]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[08 40 6C C5 00][03][00]@Increases your Defense and Luck.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 52]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 53]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 54]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 55]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 56]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 57]>[03][00][08 91 6C C5 00][03][00]@It increases his Defense.[13][02]

@Miscellaneous equipment that can only be used by [1C 02 04].[02]

[01] <[1C 05 58]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]6[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

@When eaten, you recover about [02]


[01] <[1C 05 59]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]24[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5A]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]50[08 D6 6C C5 00][03][00]@100% beef.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5B]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]40[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5C]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]80[08 D6 6C C5 00][03][00]@So fresh, it's still warm![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5D]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]80[08 D6 6C C5 00][03][00]@There's even a slice of your favorite cake![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5E]>[03][00]@This is a pasta dish which legend holds was a favorite of King Summers the Third[03][00]@in the 16th century. Back then, there were many great chefs, confident of their[03][00]@culinary skills, always going to and from Summer's Palace.[03][00]@Once day, King Summers wife, Anna Summers, said,[03][00]@<Oh what I wouldn't give for some really delicious pasta!> ... ... ...[03][00]@...Well, let's just leave it at that. The story is too long to go through completely...[03][00]@but it really is a beautiful, touching tale...[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]110[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 5F]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]120[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 60]>[03][00]@This is today's special. It is highly recommended by our chef,[03][00]@who trained at a five-star restaurant in Paris.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]200[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 61]>[03][00]@Since it's a really big pizza, everyone can recover about 240 HP when eaten.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 62]>[03][00]@Replenishes 20 PP.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 63]>[03][00]@A dream-like delicacy[00] that is said to grow at the base of trees[03][00]@in wet, muddy places.[03][00]@It restores about 80 PP.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 64]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]300 HP and about 50 PP.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 65]>[03][00]@When you eat this, it will increase either Speed, Guts, Vitality, IQ or Luck.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 66]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]60[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 67]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]30[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 68]>[03][00]@This is the Balloon Monkey's favorite.[03][00]@It will not help you recover, but[03][00]@you'll also never run out, 'cause it's a super jumbo pack![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 69]>[03][00]@Belch's most favorite food in the whole world.[03][00]@However... it smells REALLY, really nasty! We're talkin' major stinkage here![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 6A]>[03][00][08 C5 6C C5 00]6[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

@If you drink this, you recover about [02]

[01] <[1C 05 6B]>[03][00]@The highest quality tea, produced by tea expert Mr. Y. Todaar,[03][00]@who carefully selects only hand-picked tea leaves.[03][00]@Long ago, only aristocrats at a king's court were allowed to drink this tea.[03][00][08 C5 6C C5 00]60[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 6C]>[03][00]@For building a stronger, healthier body.[03][00]@It gives you a blast of nourishment when you are fatigued.[03][00][08 C5 6C C5 00]80[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 6D]>[03][00]@Soup made from the fin of the sea monster known as Kraken.[03][00]@This beast lives in the ocean off the shore of Summers.[03][00]@Very expensive, but a sizable power boost is guaranteed.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 6E]>[03][00]@When you drink it, your PP slightly increases.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 6F]>[03][00]@This is the most effective thing to take when you catch a cold.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 70]>[03][00]@This is the best thing to take when you get poisoned.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 71]>[03][00]@It increases your IQ when taken.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 72]>[03][00]@It increases your Guts when taken.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 73]>[03][00]@It increases your Speed when taken.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 74]>[03][00]@It increases your Vitality when taken.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 75]>[03][00]@It increases your Luck when taken.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 76]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

@To use, sprinkle over food.[03][00]@A good combination increases the strength of your recovery.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 77]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 78]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 79]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7A]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7B]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7C]>[03][00][08 63 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7D]>[03][00]@It allows you go back stage at the Chaos Theater.[03][00]@Of course, you can also watch the show using the pass.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7E]>[03][00]@Use by sprinkling it over food.[03][00]@It tastes good with any kind of food, thereby[03][00]@increasing the recovery power of the food.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 7F]>[03][00]@It's great for those times that you get sunstroke.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 80]>[03][00]@It helps when you have been poisoned, or you are feeling nauseous.[03][00]@It also has other uses...[03][00][08 02 6D C5 00][08 36 6D C5 00][13][02]

@colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange.[02]


[01] <[1C 05 81]>[03][00]@May revive a friend who is unconscious.[03][00][08 DB 6C C5 00][08 02 6D C5 00][03][00][08 36 6D C5 00][08 38 6D C5 00][13][02]

@In addition, it also works well on poison, nausea,[03][00][02]

@This is effective when you have paralysis, or you have been diamondized.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 82]>[03][00]@Revives a friend who is unconscious.[03][00][08 DB 6C C5 00][08 02 6D C5 00][03][00][08 37 6D C5 00][08 38 6D C5 00][13][02]


[01] <[1C 05 83]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Contains the enemy's PSI during a battle.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

@Items for [1C 02 03].[03][00][02]

@Can be used many times.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 84]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Breaks through the enemy's shield during a battle.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 85]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00][08 C5 6D C5 00][03][00]@Because of its explosive power,[03][00]@it may effect others besides the target creature.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

@Damages an enemy when used during battle.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 86]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Really dishes out a lot of damage to the enemy during a battle.[03][00]@Because of its explosive power,[03][00]@it may effect others besides the target creature.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 87]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Sucks up some HP from the target creature.[03][00]@The more HP an enemy has, the more you get.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 88]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Sucks up some HP from all the enemies.[03][00]@The more HP the enemies have, the more you get.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 89]>[03][00]@Deals 200 points of damage to any bug when used during combat.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 8A]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Sprays a sticky substance that stops the enemy from moving.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 8B]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Invented by Apple Kid.[03][00]@If used during combat, some damage will be dealt to the enemy,[03][00]@though it's not understood why this happens... it's just yogurt after all...[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 8C]>[03][00]@You can even use this during battle![03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 8D]>[03][00]@During battle, a snake pops out of the bag and bites the enemy.[03][00]@There are thousands of small snakes living in the bag,[03][00]@so you should be able to use it over and over again.[03][00]@It can possibly poison the enemy, too.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 8E]>[03][00]@If used as a whip during battle, the enemy will take some damage[03][00]@and stop moving for a while.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

@Gone after one use.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 8F]>[03][00]@You can even use this during battle![03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 90]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00][08 C5 6D C5 00][03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 91]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Fires a fast, powerful bottle rocket.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 92]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@Possibly the strongest weapon around,[03][00]@it does a lot of damage due to its massive warhead.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 93]>[03][00][08 C5 6D C5 00][03][00]@Because of its explosive power,[03][00]@it may effect others besides the target creature. [03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 94]>[03][00]@Able to dish out some heavy-duty destruction in combat. [03][00]@Because of its explosive power,[03][00]@it may effect others besides the target creature.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 95]>[03][00]@Deals 100 points of damage to any bug when used during combat.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 96]>[03][00]@Quickly rusts metallic enemies when used during battle.[03][00]@The enemy will take about 200 points of damage.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 97]>[03][00]@Causes almost instantaneous rusting[03][00]@when used on metallic enemies during battle.[03][00]@The enemy takes about 400 points of damage.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 98]>[03][00]@When used during battle, the enemy gets so nauseous from the ripe odor,[03][00]@they cannot fight.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 99]>[03][00]@By throwing this at the enemy during battle,[03][00]@the enemy is shocked and stops moving.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 9A]>[03][00]@Can be used during battle.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 9B]>[03][00]@When used as a whip during battle,[03][00]@the enemy takes enough damage to stop moving for a short time.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 9C]>[03][00]@An ectoplasmic ooze is disgorged out of the dreadful box,[03][00]@and the enemy may be poisoned.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 9D]>[03][00]@Increases the Defense of all the friends.[03][00][08 0D 6B C5 00][03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

@It is most effective if you use this power multiple times to <layer> the effect.[02]

[01] <[1C 05 9E]>[03][00]@A letter from Mom to [1C 02 01].[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 9F]>[03][00]@Doubles your guts during battle.[03][00]@However, after a battle, your guts return to normal. [03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A0]>[03][00]@If you sprinkle the powder on one of your friends during battle, [03][00]@that friend turns into a dragon and attacks all enemies.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A1]>[03][00]@Increase one of the friends Defense during battle.[03][00][08 0D 6B C5 00][03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A2]>[03][00]@If you wear this on your nose, you can find and root out magic truffles.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][03][00]@...let me explain a bit about Magic Truffles.[03][00]@They are a kind of mushroom that grow in damp places, like at the base of big trees.[03][00]@They are almost always buried, [03][00]@so they cannot be seen.[03][00]@If you find one and eat it, it is said to greatly recover a person's PP![03][00]@You can see more info about the wondrous Magic Truffle after you have obtained one.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A3]>[03][00]@It invites people to come and buy your unnecessary goods.[03][00][08 9B 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A4]>[03][00]@As the title says, it helps one overcome shyness.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A5]>[03][00]@Not really horrible, but the scene on the front doesn't make you want to go there. [13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A6]>[03][00]@A king-sized banana.[00] Not edible.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A7]>[03][00]@A letter from Tony to [1C 02 03].[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A8]>[03][00]@A chick that just hatched.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 A9]>[03][00]@A real, live chicken.[03][00]@Don't eat it, please.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AA]>[03][00]@A key to the traveling entertainer's shack.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AB]>[03][00]@A key to a holding cell made specially for [1C 02 02].[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AC]>[03][00]@The <Machine that Opens Doors,[03][00]@especially when you have a slightly bad key> machine.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AD]>[03][00]@A key given to you by a maid who works at the Monotoli building.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AE]>[03][00]@Apple Kid's invention.[03][00]@Lay this out in the tent, and the next day, a lot of zombies may be stuck to it.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 AF]>[03][00]@What a miracle! Now you can see in the dark![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B0]>[03][00]@Riding this makes you feel like whistling![03][00]@You can even ring the bell by pressing the R button.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B1]>[03][00]@You know, you shouldn't leave home without...[03][00]@It even works overseas![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B2]>[03][00]@It says, <Section B, seat 3D.>[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B3]>[03][00]@A letter from the preschool kids to [1C 02 02].[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B4]>[03][00]@A bundle of brand new, crisp bills.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B5]>[03][00]@Apple Kid's invention.[03][00]@Now, you can receive important calls.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B6]>[03][00]@A big, beautiful, and expensive-looking gem.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B7]>[03][00]@A banana skin with Venus's autograph.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B8]>[03][00]@Apple Kid's invention.[03][00]@It makes something blocking your way[03][00]@that looks like a pencil disappear in just a second.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 B9]>[03][00]@A copy of a hieroglyph.[03][00]@Something important is recorded in the ancient characters.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BA]>[03][00]@It can be sold for a very high price.[03][00]@Nothing happens if you use it.[03][00]@A good explanation is kind of tough...[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BB]>[03][00]@It must belong to someone.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BC]>[03][00]@A hand-made Band Aid.[03][00]@It heals your wounded body.[03][00][08 AB 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BD]>[03][00]@A fashionable treat for snobby, haute cuisine people in some big cities.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]30[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BE]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]25[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 BF]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]60[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C0]>[03][00]@An old key.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C1]>[03][00]@It looks like a plain old rock,[03][00]@but for someone who knows about it, it is actually a very precious, unusual element.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C2]>[03][00][08 DF 6B C5 00]@It protects you from fire, freeze, and flash attacks.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C3]>[03][00][08 B7 6D C5 00]@When used during battle,[03][00]@this item resets the abilities of all creatures (friend or enemy)[03][00]@to their normal levels.[03][00]@Any changes that had taken place due to PSI and such is neutralized.[03][00]@It also neutralizes all shields (friend or enemy) that were in effect.[03][00]@(Remember, the abilities[03][00]@that I am talking about are Offense, Defense, Guts, etc.)[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C4]>[03][00]@If you touch this to your forehead and concentrate on your thoughts,[03][00]@Your Sanctuary melodies can be heard.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C5]>[03][00]@If you use this in a dungeon or some such place,[03][00]@the mouse brings you back to the place where you entered.[03][00]@It's a very smart mouse.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C6]>[03][00]@Ice cream that is all the rage among fashionable, young women.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]30[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C7]>[03][00]@When used during battle, it bites the enemy and disappears.[03][00]@It may also poison the enemy.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C8]>[03][00]@When used during battle, it bites the enemy and disappears.[03][00]@It always poisons the enemy.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 C9]>[03][00]@A miraculous stone that enables you to <concentrate>[03][00]@without using your own brain.[03][00]@This is accomplished just by your keeping this item.[03][00]@This is great because if you can't concentrate, you can't use PSI.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CA]>[03][00]@A handy town map. It can be used in Onett, as well as other towns.[03][00]@You can view the map quickly, simply by pressing the X button.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CB]>[03][00]@What the hey is this?[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CC]>[03][00]@Orange Kid's invention.[03][00]@The full name is the <Super Orange Machine.>[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CD]>[03][00]@A key to a regular locker.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CE]>[03][00]@It doesn't look like it would do much of anything, but...[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 CF]>[03][00]@Recovers about 20 PP.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D0]>[03][00]@An old treasure from Dalaam.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D1]>[03][00]@A gift from a monkey.[03][00]@It can be used during battle.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D2]>[03][00]@Apple Kid's invention.[03][00]@It erases something that looks like an eraser[03][00]@that also might be blocking your way.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D3]>[03][00]@A very strong-smelling dish.[03][00]@Those who like it go nuts for it...[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D4]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D5]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][03][00]@Wow! Look at the pine tar! It's almost all the way to the end![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D6]>[03][00][08 8E 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D7]>[03][00][08 A0 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 D8]>[03][00][08 F4 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DA]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][03][00]@When equipped, Luck is increased.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DB]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][03][00]@When equipped, Luck is increased.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DC]>[03][00][08 6D 6C C5 00][03][00]@When equipped, Luck is increased.[03][00]@Same as the one that Mr. Saturn wears on his head.[13][00][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DD]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DE]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 DF]>[03][00]@You know what this is...[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]40[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E0]>[03][00]@Gives you a spring in your step for about 10 seconds.[03][00]@It also helps you recover your power a bit.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E1]>[03][00]@Gives you a spring in your step for about 20 seconds.[03][00]@It also helps you recover your power a bit.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E2]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E3]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E4]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E5]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E6]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E7]>[03][00]@It helps you recover your power...[03][00]@How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck![13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E8]>[03][00][08 C5 6C C5 00]12[08 D6 6C C5 00][03][00]@I guess it tastes good to adults.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 E9]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]90[08 D6 6C C5 00][03][00]@100% beef.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 EA]>[03][00]@It's one of Mr Saturn's favorite foods.[03][00]@It tastes pretty yummy.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]100[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 EB]>[03][00]@It's one of Mr. Saturn's favorite foods.[03][00]@It tastes all right.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]300[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 EC]>[03][00]@An everyday dish in Dalaam.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]200[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 ED]>[03][00]@A croquette made with mashed chick peas, then breaded and deep fried.[03][00]@Gen-san in Scaraba loves to cook this.[03][00]@Salt improves it and the olive oil gives it a wonderful[00] flavor.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]40[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 EE]>[03][00]@Molokheiya is a summer vegetable from Scaraba.[03][00]@It's high in nutrients, and it has a light flavor that Scarabans love.[03][00][08 C5 6C C5 00]80[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 EF]>[03][00]@I don't have a lot to say about this.[03][00]@I guess there are some people who think it's good.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]80[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F0]>[03][00]@Broiled lamb's liver, etc. all served on a skewer.[03][00]@Sometimes meat other than lamb is included...[03][00]@that's what someone told me...[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]120[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F1]>[03][00]@Tastes okay in some respects.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]160[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F2]>[03][00]@Recipe for making jerky.[03][00]@Obtain some type of meat, slice it into pieces about a half of an inch thick.[03][00]@Hang the pieces on a laundry line or something like it[03][00]@and leave out in the sun for maybe 6 months...[03][00]@Well, that's what my recipe says.[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]150[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F3]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]200[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F4]>[03][00]@Recipe for making spicy[00] jerky.[03][00]@Obtain some type of meat,[03][00]@slice it into pieces about a half of an inch thick.[03][00]@Season the pieces as much as possible,[03][00]@hang the pieces on a laundry line or something like it[03][00]@and leave out in the sun for maybe 8 months...[03][00]@Well, that's what my recipe says...[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]250[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F5]>[03][00]@A gourmet version of jerky that is considered a delicacy.[03][00]@It is created by a skillful artisan[03][00]@who has been making jerky for over 60 years.[03][00]@Jerky fans consider this the caviar of all jerkys.[03][00]@I understand that they don't dry gourmet jerky on a laundry line...[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]300[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F6]>[03][00]@Very expensive water,[03][00]@but almost the same as the water you drink in town.[03][00]@It recovers PP a little bit.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F7]>[03][00]@Recovers about 40 PP.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F8]>[03][00][08 97 6B C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 F9]>[03][00][08 54 6C C5 00][03][00]@It's not money even though it's called a coin.[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 FA]>[03][00]@It can be sold for a very high price.[03][00]@Nothing happens if you use it.[03][00]@A good explanation is kind of tough...[13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 FB]>[03][00][08 B5 6C C5 00]18[08 D6 6C C5 00][13][02]

<[1C 05 FC]>[03][00][0A 08 4A C5 00]

@Revives a friend who is unconscious.[03][00][08 DB 6C C5 00][08 02 6D C5 00][03][00][08 37 6D C5 00][08 38 6D C5 00][13][02]

[01] <[1C 05 FD]>[03][00]@A special type of bunny's favorite carrot.[13][02]

@How to Saturn[00] [1F 52 01][12][09 04 9F 8E C5 00 A6 8E C5 00 AD 8E C5 00 B4 8E C5 00][0A 00 80 C5 00]

[18 04][1F 20 04 01][02]

[18 04][1F 20 04 02][02]

[18 04][1F 20 04 03][02]

[18 04][1F 20 04 04][02]

[01]@HintW[00] TZNNSMS[03][00][04 A9 02][04 AA 02][04 AB 02][04 AC 02][04 AD 02][04 AE 02][0A 00 80 C5 00]