(JonBound: A study of how a simple NES hacker degenerated into a raving Tic-Tac Addict) NOV 12 2000 10:00 - 12:30; Worked on text editing and made an enemy listing of those that have not been changed. 13:30 - 16:00; Worked on advanced text editing points. NOV 13 2000 19:15 - 20:20; Kicked around various text ideas. NOV 17 2000 20:30 - 23:30; Replaced almost every description text block! NOV 19 2000 19:30 - 21:30; Minor Text edits NOV 22 2000 21:00 - 22:00; Minor Text/Graphic edits Thanksgiving 2000 16:00 - 16:30 (In between turkey and pie); More minor graphic edits (2 members of Cow Spit & Spaanoft completed) NOV 27 2000 20:00 - 22:00; Text modification (Which scrambled the game.) Tried it again, scrambled it again. Replaced the scrambled file. NOV 28 2000 13:30 - 16:00; Graphic edits, text modification DEC 05 2000 15:30 - 17:30; Graphic edits: adding monsters and character suggestions from Rachael and Becky 21:30 - 22:00; Continued edits as above, changing text DEC 06 2000 14:30 - 16:30; Adding more character ideas 20:00 - 21:30; Finished Cow Spit sprites, added topic to www.starmen.net message board about this hack and the opportunities therein. Give or take about a half-hour to include computer crash and dog feeding DEC 10 2000 21:00 - 22:00; Incorporated enemy ideas from the message board. DEC 11 2000 16:00 - 17:30; Incorporated more enemy ideas DEC 14 2000; 16:30 - 18:00; Incorporated all but 3 enemy ideas I have - still need 134 more... sigh. DEC 21 2000 20:00 - 23:00; Added new text for major boss battles! And added enemies as well. DEC 22 2000 11:30 - 12:00; Fixed text bugs, completed boss enemies! DEC 30 2000 19:00 - 20:30; Added new items including a Jar of Soylent Green, and new text entries. DEC 31 2000 16:30 - 18:00; Added new enemies; I now only need 100 more! Argh. JAN 1 2001 21:30 - 23:00; Added new items and play tested various text changes. JAN 4 2001 15:00 - 18:00; Added new enemies and re-printed the new list. JAN 8 2001 19:00 - 19:30; Incorporated new text and an enemy image from the EB hack Gangstas, by Slash. JAN 9 2001 20:00 - 21:30; Found a neat little program called Snessor and fooled around, adding voice clips from myself into the game. But I made some bugs and decided to dump that copy for now. I'll add my voice later, when I'm done. JAN 11 2001 19:30 - 22:00; I've finally brainstormed ideas for every enemy. Now all I have to do is hack them! JAN 12 2001 15:00 - 17:00; Filling in more enemy blanks. Once I finish this, I can move on to the text editing, which will likely be the biggest part of this hack. 20:00 - 22:00; I am the man: Enemies have been completed. JAN 13 2001 12:00 - 15:00; Text editing. I was off to a rocky start when I made two massive bugs, but now I'm back on track. JAN 18 2001 18:30 - 20:00; Working on the booklet. JAN 19 2001 13:30 - 17:00, 18:00 - 19:00; Text and sprite editing. JAN 20 2001 20:37; Decided on the title - "JonBound: Dark Future." JAN 21 2001 19:00 - 20:00; Minor text tweaking. Hopefully, all these tweaks will end up in a mostly complete game by April or May-ish. 21:00 - 22:00; More text tweaking. I've incorporated Evil Ness, a guy from the message boards, into the game. JAN 22 2001 13:30 - 15:30; Text editing. I've finished the intro leading up to the battle with the Vile Food Man, as well as some other stuff. JAN 26 2001: A day of evil. Hear that? EVIL! PURE EVIL, I SAY! I've discovered a major bug which came from editing two item slots that weren't items - rather, they were the information about what the Golden department store sold, and it got totally scrambled. Now I have to make a duplicate file and copy over all the changes I've made... 8^( 15:30 - 17:30; Finished replacing the images and added Mr. Guy, the replacement for Picky. JAN 27 2001 09:30 - 14:30; (Actually, I stopped at 15:30, but I'm factoring out about 1:00 of lunch.) I have finished updating the text and tweaked some parts that I hadn't done yet... Boy oh boy do you get sick of this after 5 straight hours, especially when you have the crud... FEB 1 2001 17:30 - 18:00; Working on fixing the items. 20:30 - 21:30; Finished the items after dinner and Survivor. FEB 4 2001 20:00 - 21:00; Completed replacement of 20 enemies. Only 210 more to go... FEB 7 2001 16:00 - 17:00; Working on enemy replacements now that Seminars are over. Replacement 25% complete. FEB 10 2001 (I've got to start doing this a lot more frequently if I ever expect to get done...) 10:00 - 12:30; I've just hit 50% enemy reconstruction, so I'm going to take a little break. FEB 11 2001 13:30 - 15:00; OK, so maybe 25 hours is a bit of an extensive break... But I am now 75% complete. My computer is blue-screening me to death, so I've got to shut down quick before the whole thing explodes! FEB 12 2001 16:30 - 17:30; It only took me an hour, but I finished the enemies! Now I can move on to bigger and better things - like updating the text and worrying whether it will toastify the game... 18:30 - 20:00; Working on simple text changes, not to mention being very careful about creating painful errors... FEB 15 2001 17:30 - 18:00; Moving on to the text. FEB 17 2001 12:30 - 14:30; More text work. FEB 18 2001 11:30 - 14:00; Guess what? FEB 20 2001 20:00 - 22:00; I changed a lot of text. Hopefully I didn't make many errors. FEB 21 2001 13:30 - 15:30; Fixed a bug spotted by ROFISH. Also, I changed my pajama attire from green boxer shorts to gray sweatpants and a white undershirt. I fixed some other bugs and sent the changes to my Beta testers. FEB 28 2001 16:00 - 17:00; Edited text to line 574 MAR 2 2001 19:00 - 20:00; Edited text for the Cairo area MAR 3 2001 14:00 - 15:30; More text editing... blah. I don't know if I'll ever finish this. I'll have to be a lot more discerning about what I take the time to edit. On the bright side, the computer is working better now. 19:30 - 20:30; Eh, what the frell... I'm just going to go for it. It is the weekend, and all I have to do is read the entirety of Macbeth... If I stay up as late as I have the last two nights I could blaze through this in a week. In any case, I'm still plugging away. (Pay no attention to this. 10 minutes after I typed this, I said "Frell this" and went to bed. 8^p ) MAR 4 2001 15:30 - 16:30; I finished the Golden Music house text (Refilled it with punks who like the band "Cow Spit.") MAR 17 2001 13:30 - 15:00; Now that I have a computer again, I managed to do a little text tweaking - Mostly concerning bulletin boards in the first three towns. MAR 18 2001 11:45 - 13:45; More text tweaking, mentor discussion, and a little play-testing. I need to fix the color pallet of the Yellow Antoid - it's blue! MAR 20 2001 16:30 - 17:00: More text tweaking... gee, that's something new. I still need to work on the Tomato Death Scene - I've manage to fix it so it doesn't crash the game, but the text is all messed up... 20:00 - 22:30; Oh YEAH! I finished the Tomato Death Scene! It's a bit untidy, but it's the best I can do with Thingy. ("Thingy," a generic hex editor, as opposed to Tomato's "EarthBound Text Editor V2.5," which can't change the text there safely.) Hey, at least it works... 23:00 - 23:30; I turned all of the residents of Moonside into Aljimos and Reticulans. I haven't changed their text yet, but that's the next step... Plus, I sent out an IPS to the beta testers. MAR 22 2001 15:30 - 17:00; I took a couple of Safeway-brand DayQuil a few hours ago. They haven't helped my congestion, but I'm hyper now, and jumping out of my skin. When they say non-Drowsy, they MEAN non-Drowsy, consarn it!!! Any excessive wierdness in the Golden area should be blamed on the Safeway pharmecutical department. 17:00 - 17:30; Playtesting - No major bugs to note. Are there multiple Scientologist Sprites? Or are -eck- the crazy blue dudes part of the background? (Yep. 8^p ) 17:30 - 18:30; I'm still twitching, but other than that I feel fine. A bit more text tweaking. 19:30 - 22:00; Now that I'm done with dinner, I can move along. I did a little more text work, and replaced all of the death quotes for the enemies, so it says stuff like, "The Blue Ninja Duck became tame!", "The Green Antoid exploded harmlessly", and "Jon picked picked the Fanged Peanut Brittle up off the ground, dusted it off, and ate it!" (I told you the DayQuil were getting to me...) Wow, that's 5 1/2 hours so far... this is getting to be a regular workhorse. I'm sure glad I don't have a job or a social life... sorta. MAR 24 2001 14:30 - 18:00; Changed the Scientologist town, using material from http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~av282/intro.htm and http://www.scientology.org/. (Those people are more ****ed up than I thought. 8^p Read the first page and see why.) I made some nasty bugs but I'm positive I can fix them (as long as I don't lose my notes 8^) ) 21:30 - 22:00; Fixed those dang bugs. (They mostly were changes in the redirection protocol for 06-if/then links. I built up some new responses in the extra meg and directed the 06's there. 8^# ) I think I'm starting to get the hang of the TPT system... 22:00 - 23:00; Changed some of Jimo's text, and some other stuff I can't remember. MAR 25 2001 02:30 - 05:00; There's only 21.5 hours of Spring Break left... *sob sob* And only about a month left before I have to be done hacking. So, I've decided to dedicate my normal sleeping hours to hacking. After all, once I get some caffiene in me, sleep deprivation brings out the most vivid parts of my creativity... (I suppose I should do the homework for my OTHER classes too, but there's always time for that later (meaning tonight before I go to bed.). I also suppose I should start doing some actual work instead of just adding the little goofy sideways faces into the timelog. After all, that's why I'm up at this ungodly hour, isn't it? Oh, great. Now I'm talking to myself. No, wait. I'm TYPING to myself... frell! At least I'm not twitching like I was with those DayQuil. Now that I'm done rambling, this is what I did.) I changed the complete text of Lakewood, Colorado. Now I'm taking a break and going to go watch TV. I'll be back, so don't go away. 05:30 - 07:00; I finally recognized the fact that there's nothing on TV at this hour except for infomercials about crappy-looking mini-ovens, "directions" on how to become a multi-trillionare in the glamorous world of real estate, and reruns of All In The Family. So instead, I hacked out the Snock Town. Well, as much as one can. The Mr. Saturns of EarthBound typically limit their sentences to short phrases like, "Oh! Oh! *wheeze* Breathe is sooooo good!", or, "Chattanooga!" so there's little I can do with a lot of their stuff. Also, I began converting the Zombie sprites into Spaminator Sprites, the Zombie Dogs into Cans of Spam, and the ghosts into Pikachus (Or is it just Pikachu? Like deer and deer?). 07:00 - 08:00; Well, the sun is up, and I'm up, but nobody else in my house is. I did some more general Snocktown and image tweaks. Plus, I mixed up a fun scene where Cow Spit rushes in during a battle and helps defeat Dan Quayle. 8^) 08:30 - 09:30; Still more tweaks. (Changed the Cow Spit Bus into a hovering wheel-less UFO thing.) 19:30 - 20:00; More minor tweaks. Nothing to note, really. MAR 26 2001 16:00 - 17:30; Visual tweaking, text edits halfway finished for Jimo. 19:00 - 19:30; Finished Jimo! 20:00 - 21:00; Did brainstorming about Pokey character - also, I tried to fix it so when you return from Jimo, you meet Mr. Hines, who runs away from you. Couldn't get the running to work. MAR 27 2001 20:00 - 20:30; A little Denver text tweaking. MAR 28 2001 13:30 - 16:00; Decided upon a final character design for Pokey - Baron Von Heimlich. He starts out as a fairly normal, weaselly-looking dude with a green jacket and blue pants. Later, he shows up in a red & black uniform with medals, a monocle, and a little Hitler-mustache. I don't know how much his personality will reflect Nazism, if any, but I think I've made him despicably fascist-looking. Hey, fascism is a common trait among bad guys... I also edited his in-battle images as well as the Starman sprites. MAR 29 2001 16:30 - 18:00, 20:00 - 22:00; Denver is finished, except for a few instances of the name Monotoli! I still have to Thingy-hack the monkey messenger so it's not totally frelled. MAR 30 2001 13:30 - 14:00; I tested those changes. It seems to be working fine... for now. 14:00 - 17:00; I continued making changes. I hacked all of the Dogcow Town, except for the part where Moof reads the Dogcows the English 101 Book. Then, I cleaned up some errors back in the Scientologist's town. And sometime in there, I made a sandwich. I ate it. It restored 20 HP. 23:30 - Tomorrow; Well, it's time for another all night hack-fest. I hope I can stay up. ...downloading some new MP3s to make it through the night. The Offspring, and JRR Tolkien... Quite an eclectic batch, no? Well, I suppose I'd better get to it. TOMORROW 2001. Wait... now it's today. TODAY 2001. TODAY is MAR 31 23:30 yesterday - 01:30 today; I'm a mighty sailor man, a mountain man I'm not. The open sea is home for me and mountains aren't worth snot. ...I hacked Monaco. Now, it's time for a snack before I move on to, ohh... (flips coin) ...Scotland. Yeah, that's it. Scotland. The Tolkien MP3 is only 12% done after all this time. I wonder why it's 21 Meg... 01:30 - 02:00; I ran and got some Fritos then hurried back downstairs. I twiddled with Casey's meditations on the Peak of Pork, but didn't see anything specific about Scotland. 03:30 - 04:30; Ok, I had to take a break. But now I'm back! And that Tolkien thing is only 25% done. I'm going to restart the computer so I can hear sounds. Well, I did. Then I hacked the earlier part of Scotland. 04:30 - 05:30; I finished Scotland! Whoo-hoo! Plus, it turned out the Tolkein thing was a recording from a book on tape. What a waste of precious unlimited online service time. Well, 6 hours is good enough for now. I think I'll go sleep until 14:00. 14:00 - 16:00; Actually, I only slept until 12:00, but a nerd's got to eat sometime. Now I'm hacking while listening to a recording of the musical conversation with an alien mothership at Devil's Tower. You know, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. My Mom is now totally hacked, except for her phone messages. She utters the last lines in the game... "It's the end, so smile and wave to the camera." I've changed part of the realm of my mind (nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.), and added the text for three Cow Spit songs... APR 3 2001 16:00 - 17:30; Work. (Jon has forgotton what he did today. Our bad; Sorry for the trouble. ...the Reticulan Abduction Firm) APR 4 2001 16:30 - 17:30; I finished the Cow Spit animation sequences! I had trouble doing them before, but I hadn't managed to learn how to link to other text spots in the game. Now it works smoothly. In one spot, I have to give the owner of a Golden theater a sip of Tokyo Soda - a soda so full of sugar it's used to power starships - in order to distract him long enough for the band to make a run for it. In Denver I have to help them out of an unbreakable contract by blackmailing the theater owner with a Blackmail Photo. I have eliminated about half of the Runaway 5 references in the code. 18:30 - 19:00; I've finished eliminating the words Runaway Five completely from the ROM. It's all Cow Spit now! APR 8 2001 00:00 - 01:30; Time for another all-nighter. I'm plugging into the - huh? what am I saying? and why am I not using capital letters? Oooh now im not using punctuation look at me wheeeeeeeeeee *Sounds of Jon slapping himself awake* SNAP OUT OF IT YOU FOOL! Perhaps this isn't the healthiest thing I can do. Every time I try to I start spouting nonsense... But hey - I'm scheduled for the last possible day, and I'm probably going to need it. If I don't start actually working I'll end up writing my booklet in the lunch period before I present... Whoops, did I say that out loud? Anyway, I've changed the newspapers you get to read in the more urbanized towns. I've included things like "UFO crash is still the talk of the town" "No nudes is good nudes says angry mob" "Local hacker disrupted by cleaning chores. Work is set back 12 whole hours" "Sphinx starts new late nite talk show" and at the end of the game, "Local nerd Jon Otis is declared sexiest man alive" I told you I'm not getting enough sleep. 01:30 - 02:00; I would have finished the bulletin boards, but I'm just too sleepy. Good night. 13:00 - 14:00; Well, my parents are headed off to Hawai'i. And now, I'm working on the muffin man bulletin boards. And suddenly I finished all of the boards. Or all of them that I saw. After a little break I'll work on the hints. 14:30 - 16:00; I finished off those hubajubes, and it only took 2 hours. I now have a basic walkthrough of the game in hint form. APR 10 2001 Yesterday I did a bunch of work finishing up Dalaam. I also hacked the talking rock in the lost underworld. But I forgot to keep track of my time... APR 11 2001 WHOO-HOO! SNOW DAY! SCREW YOU, ALGEBRA HOMEWORK!!! I did some work earlier, but then our power surged and I lost my timelog entry. Basically, I'm going over the text from the bottom up looking for text I haven't changed. 16:30 - 17:30; Hacked some lost underworld stuff. APR 14 2001 09:00 - 12:30; I figure I was right, I'm going to just have to keep scrolling in order to find EVERY bit of unchanged text. I'll have to do this for a while... BTW, see the last entry? Turns out I had already done my math homework. So much for being rebellious. But hey, I got ordained as a reverend of the Universal Life Church yesterday, so that might count for something. No? Dang. Anyway, I hacked from the bottom up to the Saturn Valley code. I need to fix Baron's taunts during the final battle. Tomato once spoke of a theory of game design; "that at the beginning of games, lots of time and attention are given, but as the game progresses, you can see that less and less attention is given." This is where I am. I've come to the conclusion that anything original that doesn't interfere with the plot will probably stay the way it is. That's about it. Oh yeah, I added a replacement for Venus, a girl I know named Charis. I haven't changed any of her text, just the images, and they're not coming out right. They won't stay at their current level of suckage for much longer. EASTER SUNDAY, APR 15 2001 12:00 - 13:00; I changed the Crystal Tomato melody scenes. You see, after you defeat a major boss, you learn one of 8 parts of the melody which serves as a key to unlock the mysterious relic, the Crystal Tomato. Once you have input the entire melody, the Tomato will activate, and you'll end up in the crazed world of my mind. 13:00 - 15:00; I've text-hacked everything I really want to except for a few things! Plus, I fixed the Dr. Saltine bug. Well, I've worked on this frelling thing for 3 hours now. That's enough for one holiday. After all, I have a distinct list of things to do now! YES! APR 17 2001 14:00 - 16:00; I changed the Dad messages. It didn't actually take that long, but I had to work my way around a bug. I tested it in 2 different situations, so I know it works... Also, EB has a built in 2-hour clock. See, back in the old days, you had to shut your SNES down every 2 hours so it wouldn't overheat and explode, sending flying shards of plastic into your eyes. So, when that 2 hours rolled around, your dad would call you and advise you to take a break. But, since JonBound will not be played on an SNES, I changed those alerts into greetings from myself (The Hacker). 16:00 - 18:30; I finished Cow Spit in Golden! The bugginess in their dressing room kept me rebuilding their text from the code up... APR 18 2001 Well, Star Trek has been pre-empted for an Avalanche game - damn you, UPN - so I get some extra hacking time tonight. I've made two bugs that I know of - probably more - but I'll deal with them when the time comes. At the moment I've got to work on the nasty Thingy-only text blocks. Actually, I think I'll start with the epilogue. Ironic, no? 20:00 - 20:30; Well, I finished it. Mainly, Mr. Guy, who you don't see except at the very beginning, brings me a letter from Nintendo. It says, "Dear Mr. Otis, it has come to our attention that you are a ROM hacker. So, we're suing your pants off. Have a nice day." 20:30 - 21:30; I changed what Moof says when you give him an English Book. It's messy, but it works. Then, I changed the part where you give Dr. Saltine a Missing Part. APR 19 2001 I worked for four hours today, and then I trashed my file accidentally. FRELL! So I'm just sitting here pulling another all-nighter listening to Nine Inch Nails cranking out the Legend of Zelda theme... 12:00 - 01:30 TOMORROW; I've rehacked the end battle with Nemesis. It actually came out better this time around, so my screw-up may be a blessing in disguise. APR 20 2001 - Inservice days - gotta love 'em. 01:30 - 02:00; Actually, for the last half hour, my attention has been more focused on downloading Punk MP3's. Uh - I'll get back on track, or something. Whew, it's pretty late. Right now, I'm running on fumes. Well, fumes, peanut butter, sugar, and Anti-Flag. Whoa! I just saw a shapless black blob running across the ceiling. That's usually a bad sign... Oh well, blobs or no, I'm getting a lot of work done, not to mention pumping in MP3s like there's no tomorrow. I've finished 9 with 2 more on the way... 02:00 - 02:30; I finished fixing the Shark in the arcade bug. That means I've gotten rid of all bugs I know of. I still have a bit of work to do, but it's time for a break. Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do, we do... Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do, we do... Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do, we do... Who robs cave fish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night? We do, we do! Now, I'm back to work if I don't get distracted by something shiny... Oh, frell it. I'm too tired to try to think about hacking. I'll work it in the morning. 04:30 - 05:00; Eh, it's close enough to morning now. Besides, I'm getting tired of watching MP3s download. I hacked out the Tea scenes, but then I've decided in my present state I'm more of a hindrance than a help. So, I'll wait for these last couple of MP3s and go to bed. 13:30 - 14:30; Well, I'm up and raring to go now. It may sound weird coming from me, but I'd rather be outside. Well, hacking outside. It just finished raining and the weather is great outside. I've discovered two bugs - one was the bus stop in Arizona, and the other was... oh boy. I forgot. So right now, I'm dechangifying all of the bus stops, which I'll hack in Thingy later... ...which I completed by 14:30. I've come to a startling realization - I only have 20 days to finish this thing AND make the instruction booklet. So, no more Mr. Nice Nerd. It's time to hack the crap out of this sucker. APR 22 2001 I didn't hack yesterday because I was busy hangin' with Hercules. 13:30 - 14:30; I fixed a minor bug with Dad's message that turned out to be... not a bug. Then, I changed the text of Apple Kid and Orange Kid. 14:30 - 17:00; I hacked out the Enlightened Messenger, and some other stuff. It all seems to be working fine. APR 23 2001 15:00 - 17:00; I eliminated Escargo Express. Now my sister Kelsey has to lug my stuff around. There was some bugginess but I think I worked it out. I also hacked out Grub 'n Stuff - the local pizza, beer, and nachos delivery service - and the text for when the four heroes split up and return home at the ending. APR 26 2001 AHHHHHHHHH!!! Two weeks left! AHHHH!!! 16:30 - 18:00; I changed Charis' text. I have to test it now... It works fine. But, there are problems. Dr. S. after you fix the Foo Fighter Mr. Snape (Give him the 8 X 10 Glossy.) 20:00 - 22:00; I fixed those and hacked out the caverns of Nion, a mysterious mystic and her horde of goth-looking disciples. I also pel-wacked Casey's "mystical" puffs of smoke with groovy lens flares. MAY DAY! MAY DAY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGH!!! I have to finish the hack before the 11th, I have a 300-point history assignment due the same day, I need to get photos developed, I have to get ahold of new CD-R's, I'm hungry, I have Algebra II and Physics classes which I've totally ignored yet somehow have passing grades in, there are too many commas in this sentence, I'm addicted to my Star Trek: Elite Force game, I need to finish writing a booklet and get copies printed, and my butt itches. Other than that, I'm fine. I've got a feeling there will be some all-nighters going on before this is over. 21:00 - 22:00; I edited the letters you get after Casey ditches us for the girls in Tibet. They're now commemorative newspapers from our hometowns. MAY 2 2001 OK, well I set my present date back 10 days, to the 21st. *whew* Hope that works... On third block I finished hacking Rago's images, and finished Muffin Man. 14:00 - 15:00; I hacked Jacob. CINCO DE MAYO 2001 14:00 - 16:00; I hacked out Sarah's family. I need to remove some references to Polestar Preschool, and need to make Sarah's sister, but other than that, they're done. Oh, and I did a little math. In a single-spaced, size 12 fixed width font document, the entirety of the JonBound ROM is somewhere about 3132 pages long. 17:00 - 18:00; I finished up Mr. T. I tweaked him a bit to trick the player into believing he actually will come with you. Instead, he gives you a Can of Whup-Ass. 10:30 - 11:30; OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH YYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Text is finished! Text is finished! Text is finished! Text is finished! YES YES YES YES! MAY 11 2001 Well, I actually have done work, but of course I haven't documented it... 8^p 16:00 - 16:30; I eliminated a bug I had found in class today. (The "No Problem Here" when you check behind the counter at Jackie's Cafe and the "Casey read the Hieroglyphs" got merged somehow. I had tried to fix it in class but made it so when you encountered the latter, Sarah sprouted mushrooms from her head.) 19:30 - 20:00; I've finished all of Charis' sprites. They kinda suck, but they suck much, much, much less than they did before. Which is a major step up. MAY 15 2001 Lately I've been spending my time on creating the instruction booklet. I only have a few things to finish, so I'll do them now. - GENERATE MRS. HORKY IMAGE - * - FIX SARAH'S SISTER - * - DO DEFAULT NAMES - * - LOOK FOR OTHER STUFF - 14:55 - 14:55; Fixed Sarah's sister. Now, that wasn't that hard, was it? 19:00 - 20:00; Made Mrs. Horky pics, among other things. 20:00 - 20:30; Changed default names. I tried to remove the PSI in front of my special power, but it doesn't work. 20:30 - 21:00; I changed Mr. Snape into something that roughly resembles Mr. Snape.