pullfonts.exe by Tomato (tomato@starmen.net) July 2, 2000 I wrote this code to test my font extraction code that I will be using in a future version of PK Hack (http://www.starmen.net/pkhack). This program reads the 5 different game fonts, and does stuff with it. This probably isn't the most fun program anybody's downloaded, but I put it up to show people that I'm actually coding for PK Hack and not just saying that I am. This is a DOS program, so go to the DOS prompt and run it. Or, if you're one of those darn kids who was born after the DOS era, you can probably just drag a ROM icon onto pullfonts.exe. Make sure it's an EarthBound ROM though! This obviously doesn't work with other programs. And no, it doesn't work with Mother 2 ROMs. To use the program, just press the left and right arrows to switch different screens. Press Esc to quit. Don't forget to have fun pressing the arrows. BTW, there is one more font in the game, but I don't believe it is used anywhere, it's in a different format than the rest of the fonts, and in a totally different section of the ROM. But, I do believe it's possibly (don't quote me) the font that is used at the end of Mother 2 that says "TO BE CONTINUED...". But, since this font is inaccessible to the game anyway, I think it's pointless to mess with it. It's a cool looking font, though. BTW, the sample paragraph used in this program is one of the reasons why I think EB has the best RPG text of all time. It's just so easy-to-read, weird, and doesn't look like it was translated by a 5-year old Japanese-kid. Probably Lunar:SSSC comes a close second text-wise, IMO. But that's just me *(:])