Locations of some stuff in the EarthBound SNES ROM By Tomato (tomato@starmen.net) --------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Addresses that start with 0x signify real addresses that you might use when using a hex editor. Addresses that start with $ represent addresses that the SNES uses. This is just my convention for this document. --------------------------------------------------- 0x03EA74 - extra debug menu? It's not accessable using pointers, but I'm listing it here just for reference. I think this is just lying out in plain ASCII. Menu options are weird, like Apple, Banana, Orange, etc. 0x2FDAB5 - Another unencrypted debug menu. This is in the accessable range of pointers, but since it's uncompressed/unencrypted, if you try to use it, it'll barf. This one has options like Show Map, etc. 0X110200 - Start of uncompressed sprites 0x01DAEC - Ness' starting level 0x01DAF1 - Ness' starting stats 0x01DB0A - Ness' starting HP 0x01DB1B - Ness' starting PP 0x15F6CF - Default names 0x0BDAA2 - This takes some explaining. From what I can tell, there's a huge table that contains info relating to enemy backgrounds. Each entry in the table consists of 2 2-byte numbers. Both of these numbers represent a premade background to use. Since there are two numbers, you're essentially mixing 2 different backgrounds together. Because of this, you can create interesting backgrounds. This may be pretty vague until you try messing around with it yourself. Anyway, this address given here is the address for the background entry for the Runaway Dog (in Onett). 0x0F8B91 - The main text pointer table. Entries in this table are as follows: # pic # # movement # # # # address (Note: pic is a 2 byte number, movement is 1, address is 4. The address is in SNES format. I don't know what the other #'s do. I think sometimes addresses will be invalid, but I don't know why that is.) 0x100200 - Door data. I don't know how this works or how to do stuff with it, but I know that you can edit it so that doors don't work anymore. 0x101A80 - Enemy location data. This is what determines what enemies appear where on the map. I think it might be some sort of overlay type thing, that gets placed over the actual game map. I'm not sure though. You specify which enemies go where with predefined group ID numbers. Here are the ones which I quickly saw. There are obviously many more: 01 02 - runaway dogs, coil snakes 03 04 17 - ufo's, mobile sprouts 31 57 96 97 AB AD AE 0x10BA80 - More door data? 0x10D730 - When I edited a lot of data around here, I got a lot of multiple Ness' to appear, and they acted like they were enemies. There are pics of this happening on the PK Hack page. 0x210200 - Tea scenes