Text table: not in first 128KB + 64KB in 32768 Text(at least dialog) pointer table: 3000(decimal) bytes in size Starts at offset 30010h in iNES file Each entry consists of three bytes The three bytes(LSB first) form an address relative to 20000h in the CHR ROM where the start of the text for that entry is. Example: The entry for the "Brother, I'm so scared" message looks like this in a hex editor: 11 00 00 Notes(offsets are in iNES file from start of file-AKA including header) (hexadecimal offsets) Item table: 1810 Format(LSB first): uint16 text_address; uint8 how; ab00 yyyy ab=whatcanbedone(default is use and droppable) b = eatable a = nondroppable yyyy=who 1 = Ninten uint8 equippable; uint8 WhatItemDoesOnMap; uint8 WhatItemDoesInBattle; uint8 data[2]; Maximum length of item name(to fit on screen): 11 characters