0x15EDAB to 0x15F4F2 = Data Table for [1F 21 XX] control code 1F 21 TELEPORT DATA: -------------------- By michael_cayer Lying between 15EDAB and 15F4F2 is the data for all the [1F 21 XX] codes from 00 to E8. It seems anything from E9 to FF was never meant to be accessed by this code. I could be mistaken, though. Finding entries: 15EDAB + 0x8 * entry number. So entry 16 is 15EDAB + 0x8 * 0x16; that is, 15EE5B is the entry for 1F 21 16. Data structure: AA AA BB BB CC DD EE EE AA = X coordinate. This uses the same coordinate system as PSI Teleport. BB = Y coordinate. CC = What way to face after warping. DD = Warp style. 00 = The screen goes black instantly and fades in, standard-door style. 01 = Standard door-style warp. 02 = Standard door-style warp, but the screen turns white instead of black. 03 = Standard door-style warp. 04 = Standard door-style warp, with a door sound. 05 = Touching a hole warp - falling sound and the screen slides up. 06 = Standard door-style warp. 07 = Standard door-style warp, with a door sound. 08 = Standard door-style warp, with a door sound. 09 = Standard door-style warp, with a door sound. 0A = Standard door-style warp. 0B = ...Uhm, freaky. Try it for yourself, you'll see what I mean. 0C = Standard door-style warp. 0D = Standard door-style warp. 0E = Standard door-style warp, but the screen turns white instead of black. 0F = Standard door-style warp, but makes a weird sound. 10 = Phase Distorter III-like warp. 11 = Moonside style warp. 12 = Moonside style warp. 13 = Moonside style warp. 14 = Moonside style warp. 15 = Moonside style warp. 16 = Moonside style warp. 17 = Moonside style warp. 18 = Moonside style warp. 19 = Moonside style warp. 1A = Moonside style warp. 1B = Moonside style warp. 1C = Standard door-style warp. 1D = Standard door-style warp, but the screen turns white instead of black. Slower than 02. 1E = Same as 1D. Makes a weird sound. 1F = Ghost-filled tunnel warp. 20 = Ghost-filled tunnel warp. 21 = Touching a hole warp - falling sound and the screen slides up. 22 = Moonside style warp, but the screen darkens slowly. You hear a trumpetish sound upon reappearance. 23 = Same as 22, but slower and with no trumpet sound. 24 = Super fast hole warp (screen slides up). 25 = Weirdness. 26 = Standard door-style warp. 27 = Standard door-style warp. 28 = The screen goes black instantly and fades in, standard-door style. 29 = Moonside style warp. 2A = Very slow Moonside style warp. 2B = Moonside style warp. 2C = Moonside style warp. 2D = Moonside style warp. 2E = Moonside style warp. 2F = Moonside style warp. 30 = Moonside style warp. 31 = Moonside style warp. 32 = Standard door-style warp. 33 = Very slow Moonside style warp. EE = Unknown. 15F298